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ABRecord is a child of NSObject

an ABRecord object represents a row in the AddressBook database.

- (id)valueForProperty:(NSString *)property;

* Returns the value of a given property. The type of the value depends on the property type.
* The retuned object is immutable (NSString not NSMutableString, ABMultiValue not ABMutableMultiValue, etc..)
* Raises if property is nil

- (BOOL)setValue:(id)value forProperty:(NSString *)property;

* Set the value of a given property. The type of the value must match the property type.
* Raises if property is nil or value not of the correct type
* Returns YES if the value was set successfully

- (BOOL)removeValueForProperty:(NSString *)property;

* Remove the value of a given property. Subsequent calls to -valueForProperty on the same
* property will return nil.
* Raises if property is nil
* Returns YES if the value was removed successfully
