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I have argued to a friend that ‘Cocoa’ is in fact pronounced ‘co-co’–not, as he insists, ‘co-co-uh’. Please help set the record straight.

‘Cocoa’ is pronounced:

As non-native english speaker, I say co-co-uh. Having watched a lot of ADC web tv from WWDC 2002 I think you should say co-co. – EnglaBenny

I don’t think a small amount of people voting is the right way to find out the official pronunciation (but it is somewhat amusing). Try the link below. It’s pronounced “ko-ko”. End of story.

The proper pronunciation is ko-ko. At least in English. In other languages it might differ. –OwenAnderson says - JoeZobkiw

Ever hear of coco chanelle

That’s Coco Chanel…

Hey… I’m certain it’s “ko-ko.” Basically, hot chocolate is often referred to as “Hot Cocoa,” not to mention the Cocoa bean, and so on and so forth. I’m a native English speaker and a non-native speaker of several other languages, so I understand the confusion :P.


The the correct pronunciation is “ko-ko” followed by a short gutteral sound demonstrating the pain associated with using a complex framework. – JimCath

As opposed to the pronunciation of some other APIs which are followed by things which shouldn’t be said on a public site. Of course, they are always associated with someone jumping out of a building.

Cocoa may be complex, but it’s the best thing we’ve got. All I want is to be able to compile the apps for OS9 and Windows ala RealBasic. Obviously, I realize how ridiculous an idea that would be, due to all the OSX-only things which make cocoa tick, but hey, I can dream.

Why not actually use RealBasic then?

I do use RealBasic often, but I like the Cocoa way of doing things too. When I start a new project, it’s hard to choose which envirnoment I want to program under… RealBasic is mode apt to handle some tasks, Cocoa is more apt to handle others. But, if Cocoa could spread out and handle all the tasks, it’d be very worth of 100% usage.

Someday I should write up the (little) I know about cross-compiling with ObjC/Cocoa. It was an interesting experience, by which I mean that I’m glad it was the other guy working on the Windows end and not me. – RobRix

If you still have an older version of WebObjects for Windows ( <= 4.5), you can do Cocoa prgramming in Windows - it contains the YellowBox framework and all the tools to get you started. Unfortunately it’s hopelessly out of date by now, so you can forget about maintaining a single code base for anything but the simplest applications. To make matters worse, Apple revoked the license to pass on the YellowBox libraries with your application; making it effectively impossible to write anything aimed at a larger audience, because the only people you’ll reach are going to be users of WebObjects for Windows.

– JensBaumeister