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The original header is available at and copied here for posterity. Another one may be found at the “Rotated windows” application (see and WildWindows)

The version here includes a description of CGSSetDebugOptions which can be used to tell the window server to do things like flash screen updates yellow (the same options the Quartz Debug application can set):

A comprehensive tutorial on using CoreGraphics for window transitions is found at

/* CGSPrivate.h – Header file for undocumented CoreGraphics stuff. */

/* DesktopManager – A virtual desktop provider for OS X *

#include <Carbon/Carbon.h>

/* These functions all return a status code. Typical CoreGraphics replies are: kCGErrorSuccess = 0, kCGErrorFirst = 1000, kCGErrorFailure = kCGErrorFirst, kCGErrorIllegalArgument = 1001, kCGErrorInvalidConnection = 1002, */

// Internal CoreGraphics typedefs typedef int CGSConnection; typedef int CGSWindow; typedef int CGSValue;

//// CONSTANTS ////

/* Window ordering mode. */ typedef enum _CGSWindowOrderingMode { kCGSOrderAbove = 1, // Window is ordered above target. kCGSOrderBelow = -1, // Window is ordered below target. kCGSOrderOut = 0 // Window is removed from the on-screen window list. } CGSWindowOrderingMode;

// Internal CoreGraphics functions.

/* Retrieve the workspace number associated with the workspace currently

/* Retrieve workspace number associated with the workspace a particular window

/* Show workspace associated with a workspace number. *

typedef enum { CGSNone = 0, // No transition effect. CGSFade, // Cross-fade. CGSZoom, // Zoom/fade towards us. CGSReveal, // Reveal new desktop under old. CGSSlide, // Slide old out and new in. CGSWarpFade, // Warp old and fade out revealing new. CGSSwap, // Swap desktops over graphically. CGSCube, // The well-known cube effect. CGSWarpSwitch, // Warp old, switch and un-warp. CGSFlip // Flip over } CGSTransitionType;

typedef enum { CGSDown, // Old desktop moves down. CGSLeft, // Old desktop moves left. CGSRight, // Old desktop moves right. CGSInRight, // CGSSwap: Old desktop moves into screen, // new comes from right. CGSBottomLeft = 5, // CGSSwap: Old desktop moves to bl, // new comes from tr. CGSBottomRight, // Old desktop to br, New from tl. CGSDownTopRight, // CGSSwap: Old desktop moves down, new from tr. CGSUp, // Old desktop moves up. CGSTopLeft, // Old desktop moves tl.

    CGSTopRight,                    // CGSSwap: old to tr. new from bl.
    CGSUpBottomRight,               // CGSSwap: old desktop up, new from br.
    CGSInBottom,                    // CGSSwap: old in, new from bottom.
    CGSLeftBottomRight,             // CGSSwap: old one moves left, new from br.
    CGSRightBottomLeft,             // CGSSwap: old one moves right, new from bl.
    CGSInBottomRight,               // CGSSwap: onl one in, new from br.
    CGSInOut                                // CGSSwap: old in, new out. } CGSTransitionOption;

typedef enum { CGSTagExposeFade = 0x0002, // Fade out when Expose activates. CGSTagNoShadow = 0x0008, // No window shadow. CGSTagTransparent = 0x0200, // Transparent to mouse clicks. CGSTagSticky = 0x0800, // Appears on all workspaces. } CGSWindowTag;

extern OSStatus CGSSetWorkspaceWithTransition(const CGSConnection cid, int workspaceNumber, CGSTransitionType transition, CGSTransitionOption subtype, float time);

/* Get the default connection for the current process. */ extern CGSConnection _CGSDefaultConnection(void);

typedef struct { uint32_t unknown1; CGSTransitionType type; CGSTransitionOption option; CGSWindow wid; /* Can be 0 for full-screen / float *backColour; / Null for black otherwise pointer to 3 float array with RGB value */ } CGSTransitionSpec;

/* Transition handling. / extern OSStatus CGSNewTransition(const CGSConnection cid, const CGSTransitionSpec spec, int *pTransitionHandle); extern OSStatus CGSInvokeTransition(const CGSConnection cid, int transitionHandle, float duration); extern OSStatus CGSReleaseTransition(const CGSConnection cid, int transitionHandle);

// thirtyTwo must = 32 for some reason. tags is pointer to //array ot ints (size 2?). First entry holds window tags. // 0x0800 is sticky bit. extern OSStatus CGSGetWindowTags(const CGSConnection cid, const CGSWindow wid, CGSWindowTag *tags, int thirtyTwo); extern OSStatus CGSSetWindowTags(const CGSConnection cid, const CGSWindow wid, CGSWindowTag *tags, int thirtyTwo); extern OSStatus CGSClearWindowTags(const CGSConnection cid, const CGSWindow wid, CGSWindowTag *tags, int thirtyTwo); extern OSStatus CGSGetWindowEventMask(const CGSConnection cid, const CGSWindow wid, uint32_t *mask); extern OSStatus CGSSetWindowEventMask(const CGSConnection cid, const CGSWindow wid, uint32_t mask);

// Get on-screen window counts and lists. extern OSStatus CGSGetWindowCount(const CGSConnection cid, CGSConnection targetCID, int* outCount); extern OSStatus CGSGetWindowList(const CGSConnection cid, CGSConnection targetCID, int count, int* list, int* outCount);

// Get on-screen window counts and lists. extern OSStatus CGSGetOnScreenWindowCount(const CGSConnection cid, CGSConnection targetCID, int* outCount); extern OSStatus CGSGetOnScreenWindowList(const CGSConnection cid, CGSConnection targetCID, int count, int* list, int* outCount);

// Per-workspace window counts and lists. extern OSStatus CGSGetWorkspaceWindowCount(const CGSConnection cid, int workspaceNumber, int outCount); extern OSStatus CGSGetWorkspaceWindowList(const CGSConnection cid, int workspaceNumber, int count, int list, int* outCount);

// Gets the level of a window extern OSStatus CGSGetWindowLevel(const CGSConnection cid, CGSWindow wid, int *level);

// Window ordering extern OSStatus CGSOrderWindow(const CGSConnection cid, const CGSWindow wid, CGSWindowOrderingMode place, CGSWindow relativeToWindowID /* can be NULL */);

// Gets the screen rect for a window. extern OSStatus CGSGetScreenRectForWindow(const CGSConnection cid, CGSWindow wid, CGRect *outRect);

// Window appearance/position extern OSStatus CGSSetWindowAlpha(const CGSConnection cid, const CGSWindow wid, float alpha); extern OSStatus CGSSetWindowListAlpha(const CGSConnection cid, CGSWindow wids, int count, float alpha); extern OSStatus CGSGetWindowAlpha(const CGSConnection cid, const CGSWindow wid, float alpha); extern OSStatus CGSMoveWindow(const CGSConnection cid, const CGSWindow wid, CGPoint *point); extern OSStatus CGSSetWindowTransform(const CGSConnection cid, const CGSWindow wid, CGAffineTransform transform); extern OSStatus CGSGetWindowTransform(const CGSConnection cid, const CGSWindow wid, CGAffineTransform * outTransform); extern OSStatus CGSSetWindowTransforms(const CGSConnection cid, CGSWindow *wids, CGAffineTransform *transform, int n);

extern OSStatus CGSMoveWorkspaceWindows(const CGSConnection connection, int toWorkspace, int fromWorkspace); extern OSStatus CGSMoveWorkspaceWindowList(const CGSConnection connection, CGSWindow *wids, int count, int toWorkspace);

// extern OSStatus CGSConnectionGetPID(const CGSConnection cid, pid_t *pid, CGSConnection b);

extern OSStatus CGSGetWindowProperty(const CGSConnection cid, CGSWindow wid, CGSValue key, CGSValue *outValue);

//extern OSStatus CGSWindowAddRectToDirtyShape(const CGSConnection cid, const CGSWindow wid, CGRect rect); extern OSStatus CGSUncoverWindow(const CGSConnection cid, const CGSWindow wid); extern OSStatus CGSFlushWindow(const CGSConnection cid, const CGSWindow wid, int unknown / 0 works */ );

extern OSStatus CGSGetWindowOwner(const CGSConnection cid, const CGSWindow wid, CGSConnection *ownerCid); extern OSStatus CGSConnectionGetPID(const CGSConnection cid, pid_t *pid, const CGSConnection ownerCid);

// Values extern CGSValue CGSCreateCStringNoCopy(const char str); extern char CGSCStringValue(CGSValue string); extern int CGSIntegerValue(CGSValue intVal);

Another private CoreGraphics function for grabbing all windows in WindowServer here : (in cocoa and in french, but easyly understandable). Reproduced below for posterity.

static NSImage* GrabWindow(int wid) { NSImage *img; int cid; CGRect cgrect; NSRect nsrect; void *grafport;

// grab a context ID
cid=[NSApp contextID];

// get the rect of the window
CGSGetWindowBounds(cid, wid, &cgrect);

// turn the CGRect into an NSRect

// create an NSImage
img=[[NSImage alloc] initWithSize:nsrect.size];

// lock focus on the image for drawing
[img lockFocus];

// get the graphics port for the image
grafport=[[NSGraphicsContext currentContext] graphicsPort];

// copy the contents of the window to the graphic context

// release the graphic context
CGContextCopyWindowCaptureContentsToRect(grafport, cgrect, cid, wid, 0);

// retrait du contexte graphique de l'image mis en avant
[img unlockFocus];

// return the image
return [img autorelease]; }

The window id type is an int you can get through a few channels.

*Undocumented _realWindowNumber method in the NSWindow class. *documented windowNumber method in the NSWindow class. *The NSWindowList function (documented). *The CGSGetWindowList and CGSGetOnScreenWindowList from the (above) Core Graphics API.

Thanks to Andrew Farmer for the following commentary for the above code, which I found through Google on cocoabuilder

*Note : I am the coder of the function GrabWindow() above. When I retro-engineered some Apple’s applications (Grab and ScreenCapture) to discover the magic function to get window content (for developing a screen saver named Fenetres-Volantes), undocumented _realWindowNumber was used to obtain window id. Now, we can use the official method windowNumber from NSWindow class (I updated the “few channels” list). *

Note that [the above function] invokes a couple of private functions:

OSStatus CGSGetWindowBounds(int cid, int wid, CGRect *ret);

void CGContextCopyWindowCaptureContentsToRect(void *grafport, CGRect rect, int cid, int wid, int zero);

No, I don’t know what the last parameter is for. The only program I know of that uses CGCWCCTR - screencapture - always passes a constant zero for the last argument.

There’s also another useful function that gets invoked in the screencapture tool:

OSStatus CGSFindWindowByGeometry(int cid, int zero, int one, int zero_again, CGPoint *screen_point, CGPoint *window_coords_out, int *wid_out, int *cid_out);

This’ll take a point in screen coordinates, specified by screen_point, and return the window ID of the frontmost window at that point (in wid_out), the WindowServer connection ID of that application (in cid_out), and the transformed coordinates of that point within the window (in window_coords_out). There’s actually no public or private API for the “click to select a window” interface that you get in screencapture; the tool just creates translucent overlay windows itself.

So, I’ve tried writing a little utility that would change the alpha value of any window, but it only works for windows in my application… What can I do to make it work with any cocoa window? —- You can’t. A “special” connection to the WindowServer is required to mess with other application’s windows, and this connection is maintained exclusively by the Dock. If you quit the Dock you can take control of other windows… but good luck getting your users to ditch the dock :)