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I’m trying to fill an NSView subclass (actually ScreenSaverView subclass) with [NSColor clearColor], but [NSBezierPath fillRect:] doesn’t work the way I’d expect. First I run:

self window] setOpaque:0]; [[[[NSColor clearColor] set]; self window] setBackgroundColor:[[[NSColor clearColor]]; // not sure if this is necessary

Then I try to fill the NSView with clear with: [NSBezierPath fillRect:[self frame]]; but it doesn’t work! But the following line does work: NSRectFill([self frame]); What’s going on here?

You have to refresh the NSView.

Does that mean NSRectFill draws directly onscreen? Will it be copied to the window’s offscreen buffer? EnglaBenny —- NSRectFill(…); does not overlay onto the background, it simply blasts the pixels in the specified rectangle to whatever NSColor has been set. However, you can use NSRectFillUsingOperation(…); to (somewhat) mimick the NSBezierPath method.

Ok I ran a side-by-side test on -[NSBezierPath fillRect:] vs. NSRectFill(). These are two NSViews whose drawRect: methods call the rectangle-filling routine, both with pure red at 50% alpha.

Now I think I get it… -[NSBezierPath fillRect:] overlays a rectangle of the current color over the background.

Another difference seems to be that NSRectFill uses pixel coordinates, whereas fillRect does not. I.e. if I fill a box e.g. @(10, 10) size: 100x100 it will have a fuzzy edge with fillRect (because the coordinate system is offset by half a pixel) which it does not when using NSRectFill.