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a basic for loop:

int i; for (i = 0; i < numberOfSongs; i++) // of interest is that this i++ is faster if it is ++i since the language doesn’t have to make another copy. That said, most compilers can optimize the difference trivially. Supposedly there are some STL situations where it actually makes a big difference, though. { printf (“loop trip %i “, i); }

while loop: int i = 0; while (i < numberOfSongs) { printf(“loop trip %i”, i); i++; }

do-while loop: int i = 0; do { printf(“loop trip %i”, i); i++; } while (i < numberOfSongs);


NSEnumerator * enumerator = [[NSArray arrayWithObjects:@"1",@"2",nil] objectEnumerator]; NSString * string; while (string = [enumerator nextObject]) { NSLog(string); }

What’s Cocoa here? This isn’t a C tutorial site

Honestly, what is the point of this

don’t delete other people’s comments because you’re having fun listing all the possible C loop constructs.

So this is what I’ve been missing all these years!

don’t delete other people’s comments because you’re having fun listing all the possible C loop constructs.

Comments should be deleted if they do not contribute to the page. It’s a wiki. I agree that pages should have discussion pages associated with them.

Pages should be “deleted” if they don’t contribute to the wiki. What does this page contribute?

Something more then these comments.