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Hi all,

Is there to check if a file is used by other application or not before deleting it from the disk.

Delete it using Carbon. Carbon doesn’t let you delete files that are in use.

Nor does Cocoa. If you look at the documentation for NSFileManager, you’ll see its delete method (the exact name escapes me at the moment) returns a BOOL indicating success or failure.

Huh? Just because it can fail doesn’t mean it will fail in the specific case of deleting a file that’s in use. The underlying UNIX system allows deletion of files that are still in use, and there is nothing in the NSFileManager docs to indicate that removeFileAtPath:handler: will fail in this case.

My bad. I thought the documentation supported what I said, but going back and looking at it, I see that isn’t the case. Cheers!

Why would you want to check if a file is in use before deleting it, anyway?

man lsof

There might be some circumstances where you’d want to check anyway, but it’s impossible to check this reliably, because there’s an inherent race condition. Between the time you check whether a file is in use and the time that you take action based on that decision, the file may become in use or vice versa. It’s generally better to use a method that tries to do whatever you’re interested in and returns an error code if the operation fails. This is how functions like open() work.

There’s no inherent race condition if you use Carbon. Or if there is, it’s Apple’s bug, not yours. —-

I’m saying there’s a race condition if you first check if something’s in use, then do something based on that check. There’s no avoiding that. I’m suggesting that the poster use a BSD, or Carbon, or Cocoa, or whatever API that instead tries to do something and tells you if it fails.