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I am new to this and I have tried to search the site with no luck.

What I wonder is how you can make a column in a list view have a bordered/colored background like the counter in Mail ‘s Mailbox list. iTunes also has this for when you are downloading an item.


I don’t think it’s a separate column with a (rounded) gradient background. These list views probably use custom NSCell’s that also display a count aligned to the right.

Drawing a custom cell should be easy. See for some strategies on how to get data in to the cell (in this case the normal text and the count). – JorisKluivers

Thank you., I was more interested in the column that shows the mail count for instance, it seems to have a grey(er) background. Similarly in Mail you can color an entire line and it has these nice rounded edges.

Ah, I automatically assumed you were referring to the following:

That’s the one.. :) thanks.