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NSAlertPanel.beginAlertSheet( String title, String defaultButton, String alternateButton, String otherButton, NSWindow docWindow, Object modalDelegate, NSSelector willEndSelector, NSSelector didEndSelector, Object contextInfo, String msg);

The two selectors must have the following signature:

public void willEndAlert(NSWindow sheet, int returnCode, Object contextInfo) public void didEndAlert(NSWindow sheet, int returnCode, Object contextInfo)

Return codes are statics in NSAlertPanel

public static final int DefaultReturn = 1;
public static final int AlternateReturn = 0;
public static final int OtherReturn = -1;
public static final int ErrorReturn = -2;


public void willEndAlert(NSWindow sheet, int returnCode, Object contextInfo) { switch (returnCode) { case NSAlertPanel.DefaultReturn: System.out.println(“modalDelegate.willEndAlert() Save”); break; case NSAlertPanel.AlternateReturn: System.out.println(“modalDelegate.willEndAlert() Don’t Save”); break; case NSAlertPanel.OtherReturn: System.out.println(“modalDelegate.willEndAlert() Cancel”); break; default: System.out.println(“modalDelegate.willEndAlert() Error “ + returnCode); } }
