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I am using XCode and I have some problems putting NSPopUpButtonCell in talbe view. I’ve used Interface Builder to set one of my columns data cell to NSPopUpButtonCell. Then in tables view data source method tableView:objectValueForTableColumn:row: I return NSPopUpButtonCell initialiazed using initTextCell:pullsDown:. I add few items to it. Unfortunately when I launch my program all NSPopUpButtonCells are emtpy. What could be wrong???

For one thing, -tableView:objectValueForTableColumn:row: doesn’t want you to return a cell, it wants something like an NSString or NSNumber instance.

That said, I’ve had problems with NSPopUpButtonCell in a table view too; I can’t seem to set its title.

– RobRix

To use an NSPopUpButtonCell in a table view:

1) Set the column’s data cell to an NSPopUpButtonCell by dragging an NSPopUpButtonCell from the Data palette onto the column header of the column you want to be a popup button. Note that column headers must be visible for this to work (on the attributes inspector for the NSTableView, make sure display -> Column Headers is checked)

2) Instantiate an NSMenu by going to the Classes tab of the *.nib window, finding NSMenu, and then select “Instantiate NSMenu” in the Classes menu. (Alternately, press Option-Open Apple-I)

3) Double click on the NSMenu instance in the instances tab of the *.nib window. This will create a tiny window, into which you can drag NSMenuItem instances from the Menus palette. The window size will expand as items are placed inside. You can then manipulate this menu like any other.

4) Select the NSPopUpButtonCell. It will appear as a small triangle in the upper right corner of the column header. (Remember, the column headers still need to be visible; they can be set to invisible after all this is done). Then control drag to the NSMenu instance–either the instances menu of the *.nib window, or the titlebar of the window that displays the menu contents. Set the “menu” outlet of the NSPopUpButtonCell to your NSMenu instance.

There! It’s done!

Also keep in mind that the -tableView:objectValueForTableColumn:row: and -tableView:setObjectValue:forTableColumn:row: both expect and return (respectively) NSNumber instances which correspond to which # menu item is to be, or was, selected.