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I am having a problem with an NSTableView not responding to reloadData (and similar methods) after the initial load.

I’m using an array controller binding and it seems to work fine on the initial call to [myTableView reloadData] (in awakeFromNib) My NSLog spits out the expected row count and row/column data from inside my

and my TableView is filled in as expected.

However, if I update my NSMutableArray dataSource, and call [myTableView reloadData] (in setAry), My NSLog spits out the expected row count and row/column data from inside my numberofRowsInTableView and objectValueForTableColumn calls, but the table does not update (still has the data from the awakeFromNib). This is true even if the number of objects in the array changes (including being zero).

Here’s a sampling of my (not so) clever code:

Other Notes: