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I’m trying to find out how I can exit OpenGL fullscreen mode in a way that I can get back into it – quickly, that is, without destroying and having to build contexts, colourmaps, etc. I am currently using the SDL library for window and event handling, but even with a simple bit of example code (VBL: I can’t seem to find the magic touch.

Applications like Acrobat provide a fullscreen mode which still allows other windows to be taken to the front. A game like Jedi Academy also allows exiting fullscreen mode. How do they do it??

As a workaround, I detect the current screen resolution before creating a new window+context. If that resolution matches the required resolution (and SDL_FULLSCREEN is set), I open a frameless, fullscreen window. Exiting than amounts to doing an orderWindow:out (minimisation doesn’t work reliably).

As a side-question: I was under the impression that doing a CGCaptureDisplay before opening a fullscreen context would protect other apps from resized windows, if opening a lower-than-current true fullscreen resolution. This doesn’t work (anymore?): after a tour into 640x480 mode, I have to size back ALL my XCode and Terminal windows…. Workarounds???

Thanks! Ren� Bertin (rjvbertin!hotmail)

I have a program running which uses fullscreen mode also- that is I can go full screen as well. I have a custom view in this window (where I show some opengl stuff) and some buttons/controls..

The problem is this.. Once I go to the fullscreen and come back, my normal sized window cannot display the custom view but only displays the normal window with controls and without the custom view itself..

I read somewhere that in order for any other views to be shown, they should be made subviews of the content view. I have no clue how to do that.

Also if anyone thinks there is another way around this, it could be helpful… Below is the relevant part of the code…

-(IBAction)fullScreenid)sender { if (fullScreenMode) { [fullScreenWindow close]; [startingWindow setAcceptsMouseMovedEvents:YES]; // [startingWindow setContentView:]; [startingWindow makeKeyAndOrderFront:nil]; // [startingWindow makeFirstResponder:myGLView]; fullScreenMode = NO; } else { unsigned int windowStyle; NSRect contentRect; startingWindow = [NSApp keyWindow]; windowStyle = NSBorderlessWindowMask; contentRect = [[NSScreen mainScreen] frame]; fullScreenWindow = [[NSWindow alloc] initWithContentRect:contentRect styleMask:windowStyle backing:NSBackingStoreBuffered defer:NO]; [startingWindow setAcceptsMouseMovedEvents:NO];

if(fullScreenWindow != nil) { [fullScreenWindow setTitle:@”GL Viewer”]; [fullScreenWindow setReleasedWhenClosed:YES]; [fullScreenWindow setAcceptsMouseMovedEvents:YES]; [fullScreenWindow setContentView:myGLView]; [fullScreenWindow makeKeyAndOrderFront:myGLView]; [fullScreenWindow setLevel:NSScreenSaverWindowLevel -1]; [fullScreenWindow makeFirstResponder:myGLView]; fullScreenMode = YES; } } }

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Then check out NSWindowFullScreen and LearnOpenGL

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