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We have a cocoa app that uses a custom sub-class of an openglview, with an NSTimer calling a drawrect method. When we run openGL Profiler the FPS always displays 0.0. With other apps (like the apple gl showpiece) the FPS readout works, so I don’t think we have a broken copy of opengl profiler.

We’re in the process of optimizing our code so a FPS benchmark is crucial to knowing how much we’re speeding things up. I would guess that right now the app is running around 60fps on average, so 0.0 is definitely an incorrect read-out.

Has anyone had a similar problem before, or have an idea what might be causing this? I’ve looked at the opengl profiler docs, but there isn’t much detailed information.

To provide a little more detail about our code, some of the gl commands occur in the drawrect method of the glview, and some gl commands occur in a separate class (the “Scene”).

Pseudo code (the drawRect method of the glview):

clear the screen

perform view transformations, camera stuff, lighting, etc

[scene render] ( loop through all the objects and call gl commands)


Any insight would be greatly appreciated!


Possibly because you use glFlush, when you should really use self openGLContext] flushBuffer] –[[RbrtPntn

Thanks – looks like that was the problem. I was also using a openglview that I dragged into the nib, when what I should have been using was a customview, with a pixel format set in the init method. Thanks again.

It’s utterly trivial to add your own FPS counter, and in fact I would trust that over OpenGL Profiler’s counter, partly because of problems like this.

Well, the broken FPS counter in opengl profiler clearly indicated that something in our code needed to be modified. As trivial as a FPS counter is to implement, it wouldn’t have led to the discovery of the actual root cause of the issue. Not to mention that with opengl profiler I can compare the FPS of my applications to other opengl apps and know that the same measuring stick is being applied. -GW