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I was wondering if there was a way to remove / modify a CAConstraint I added to a CALayer somewhere in code before. I think it’s weird there’s a -addConstraint method for CALayer, but no -removeConstraint.

Maybe setting the “same” constraint with a different offset might work? So, before I have something like:

[myCALayer addConstraint:[CAConstraint addConstraintWithAttribute:kCAConstraintMidY relativeTo:@”superlayer” attribute:kCAConstraintMidY offset:20]];

and then I later write this for the same layer:

[myCALayer addConstraint:[CAConstraint addConstraintWithAttribute:kCAConstraintMidY relativeTo:@”superlayer” attribute:kCAConstraintMidY offset:0]];

and it recognizes that it’s for the same attribute (kCAConstraintMidY) and does not ADD but REPLACE this constraint for that attribute…?

Any ideas?

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