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I have a main thread which is my Cocoa Application. I want the user interface to remain responsive and am detatching another thread (when the user clicks a button) that will perform many computations. What I want is that when this secondary thread exits I want a notification. I read that performSelectorOnMainThread withObject waitUntilDone: was a “light weight” way to achive this.

What I have noticed is that:

My question is whether there is a way to use an instance method because I would like the graphics to be updated once the computations are complete (but I cannot use General/OpenGL in the detached thread). I will note the code segment I think are really germane by using the codesegment text.

As is the compiler compains that instance variablesis “accessed in a class method”. Since I am trying to send messages to an NGeneral/SOpenGLView object and some cells of an NGeneral/SForm object I need the instance of myself not the class (I think).

The program draws fractals. So I want the computing to be performed independently of the GUI. ** «common.h» **


#import <Cocoa/Cocoa.h>

#define SIZE_X (600) #define SIZE_Y (600)

typedef struct { UInt32 x; UInt32 y; } coord ;

typedef struct { float real; float imag; } imaginary;

typedef struct { imaginary initialPhysicalLocation; float step; unsigned int escape; unsigned int numColors; // unsigned int **colorIndex; coord pixels; clock_t timeStart; clock_t timeStop; unsigned int pixelMap[SIZE_X][SIZE_Y];

} fracInit, *pfracInit;

** «iFract.h» **

/* iFract */

#import <Cocoa/Cocoa.h>

#define TAG_X (0) #define TAG_Y (1) #define TAG_STEP (2) #define TAG_ESCAPE (3) #define TAG_COLORS (4)

@interface iFract : General/NSObject { General/IBOutlet id General/TopRightLoc; General/IBOutlet id General/BottomLeftLoc; General/IBOutlet id Status; General/IBOutlet id General/DrawButton; General/IBOutlet id General/TimeToCompute; General/IBOutlet id drawPort; General/IBOutlet id location; General/IBOutlet id progress;

General/NSMutableData	*initData;


#define DRAW #define THREADS


#ifdef THREADS


** «iFract.m» **

#import “iFract.h” #import <General/OpenGL/gl.h> #import <vecLib/vectorOps.h>

#import “common.h”

float complexMagnitudeSquared(imaginary *val); unsigned int iterate(imaginary *initVal, imaginary *constant, float escapeMagSquared, unsigned int escapeIterations);

@implementation iFract

/####################################/ -(void)dealloc /####################################/ { [super dealloc]; }


initialLocation.real = -0.74; initialLocation.imag = 0; step = 0.005;

[Status setStringValue: @”Ready”]; General/[TimeToCompute setStringValue: @”–”]; General/location cellAtIndex: [location indexOfCellWithTag: TAG_X setFloatValue: initialLocation.real]; General/location cellAtIndex: [location indexOfCellWithTag: TAG_Y setFloatValue: initialLocation.imag]; General/location cellAtIndex: [location indexOfCellWithTag: TAG_STEP setFloatValue: step]; General/location cellAtIndex: [location indexOfCellWithTag: TAG_ESCAPE setFloatValue: 8.0]; General/location cellAtIndex: [location indexOfCellWithTag: TAG_COLORS setIntValue: 64];

[self updateLocation]; }

** /******************************************/ +(void)postDrawCleanup: (id)anObject; /******************************************/ { #if 1 pfracInit init;

init = (fracInit *)[initData mutableBytes];

General/[DrawButton setEnabled: TRUE]; [Status setStringValue: @”Done”];

General/[TimeToCompute setFloatValue: ((float)init->timeStop - init->timeStart )/CLOCKS_PER_SEC ]; [self draw]; [initData release]; #endif

} </code> **

/**************/ -(void)draw /**************/ { //imaginary initialVal, screenPos, screenStep, physicalPos, physicalStep, initialPhysicalPos; //unsigned int iterations, escape, numColors; imaginary screenPos, screenStep; unsigned int iterations, numColors; coord index; pfracInit init;

init = (fracInit *)[initData mutableBytes];

index.x = index.y = 0; screenPos.real = screenPos.imag = -1; screenStep.real = screenStep.imag = init->step; numColors = init->numColors;

#ifdef DRAW glClearColor( 0, 0, 0, 0 ) ; glPointSize(1.0); glClear( GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT ) ; #endif

for(index.y = 0; index.y < SIZE_Y; index.y++ ) {
	screenPos.real = -1;		
	for(index.x = 0; index.x < SIZE_X; index.x++ ) {
		// draw the point at the present location #ifdef DRAW
		glBegin( GL_POINTS ) ;
			glColor3f( 0.0f, ((float)iterations /numColors), 0.0f ) ;
			glVertex2f(screenPos.real, screenPos.imag ) ;
		glEnd() ; #endif			
		screenPos.real += screenStep.real;

	screenPos.imag += screenStep.imag;
} #ifdef DRAW glFlush() ; #endif



initialLocation.real = General/location cellAtIndex: [location indexOfCellWithTag: TAG_X floatValue]; initialLocation.imag = General/location cellAtIndex: [location indexOfCellWithTag: TAG_Y floatValue]; step = General/location cellAtIndex: [location indexOfCellWithTag: TAG_STEP floatValue];

initialLocation.real += stepSIZE_X/2 ; // top right coordinates initialLocation.imag += stepSIZE_Y/2 ; // top right coordinates

General/[TopRightLoc setStringValue: General/[NSString stringWithFormat: @”(%f, %f)”, initialLocation.real, initialLocation.imag] ];

initialLocation.real -= stepSIZE_X ; // top right coordinates initialLocation.imag -= stepSIZE_Y ; // top right coordinates

General/[BottomLeftLoc setStringValue: General/[NSString stringWithFormat: @”(%f, %f)”, initialLocation.real, initialLocation.imag] ]; }


//General/[DrawButton setEnabled: FALSE]; [Status setStringValue: @”Processing…”]; General/[TimeToCompute setStringValue: @”–”];

// Set up structure initParams.step = General/location cellAtIndex: [location indexOfCellWithTag: TAG_STEP floatValue]; initParams.initialPhysicalLocation.real = General/location cellAtIndex: [location indexOfCellWithTag: TAG_X floatValue] - initParams.stepSIZE_X/2; initParams.initialPhysicalLocation.imag = General/location cellAtIndex: [location indexOfCellWithTag: TAG_Y floatValue] - initParams.stepSIZE_Y/2; initParams.escape = General/location cellAtIndex: [location indexOfCellWithTag: TAG_ESCAPE floatValue]; initParams.numColors = General/location cellAtIndex: [location indexOfCellWithTag: TAG_COLORS intValue]; initParams.pixels.x = SIZE_X; initParams.pixels.y = SIZE_Y;

initParams.timeStart = clock();

[self updateLocation];

initData = General/[NSMutableData dataWithData: General/[NSData dataWithBytes: &initParams length: sizeof(fracInit)]]; [initData retain];

** #ifdef THREADS // wait for imaging of fractial to complete General/[NSThread detachNewThreadSelector: @selector(performFractalDrawing:) toTarget:[self class] withObject: initData]; #else [self performFractalDrawing: initData]; [self postDrawCleanup]; #endif ** }

** /********************’/ #ifdef THREADS

pfracInit init; General/NSAutoreleasePool *pool = General/[[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init];

General/NSLog(@”In the thread”); init = (fracInit *)[anObject mutableBytes];

// Get initial parameters from structure physicalStep.real = physicalStep.imag = init->step;

initialPhysicalPos.real = physicalPos.real = init->initialPhysicalLocation.real; initialPhysicalPos.imag = physicalPos.imag = init->initialPhysicalLocation.imag; escape = init->escape; numColors = init->numColors;

index.x = index.y = 0;

for(index.y = 0; index.y < SIZE_Y; index.y++ ) {
	physicalPos.real = initialPhysicalPos.real;
	for(index.x = 0; index.x < SIZE_X; index.x++ ) {
		init->pixelMap[index.x][index.y] = iterate(&physicalPos, &physicalPos, escape, numColors);
		physicalPos.real += physicalStep.real;

	physicalPos.imag += physicalStep.imag;		

init->timeStop = clock(); ** [self performSelectorOnMainThread: @selector(postDrawCleanup:) withObject: nil waitUntilDone: FALSE]; ** General/NSLog(@”Exiting the thread”);

[pool release]; }


/****************’/ float complexMagnitudeSquared(imaginary val) /**************’/ { return(val->realval->real + val->imag*val->imag); }

/****************’/ unsigned int iterate(imaginary initVal, imaginary *constant, float escapeMagSquared, unsigned int escapeIterations) /***************’/ { unsigned int iterations; imaginary val; float tempReal;

iterations = escapeIterations;

val.real = initVal->real; val.imag = initVal->imag;

while(escapeIterations) { tempReal = val.real; val.real = val.realval.real - val.imagval.imag + constant->real; val.imag = 2tempRealval.imag + constant->imag ;

if(escapeMagSquared < complexMagnitudeSquared(&val) ) {
	escapeIterations = iterations - escapeIterations;

return(escapeIterations); }

The reason why the detached thread is calling a class method is because you told it to:

General/[NSThread detachNewThreadSelector: @selector(performFractalDrawing:) toTarget:[self class] withObject: initData];

(you are targeting [self class] instead of self so you are targeting the class, not the instance)

Similarly with the performSelectorOnMainThread: call. You are sending it to self from within a class method so you are calling it on the class.

Does that help?


That does help. While the answer was simple and I do understand the distinction (now) I did not really understand how sending “[self class]” was causing the problem. I think the root of my problem was not understanding this.


Okay, I will try to explain this.

Objective-C uses the OO concepts of General/SmallTalk (one of the purer OO languages - it is pretty sweet). In General/SmallTalk, everything is an object (even blocks of code are objects). Most importantly, is that classes are objects (they are instances of Metaclass, as I recall).

Classes have methods, just as instances have methods. self refers to the object which received the message you are currently in (unless you assign self, but that is a corner case which doesn’t usually apply outside of initializers). [self class] is the object which is the class which self is an instance of. Thus, messages sent to self will be received by the self instance. Methods sent to [self class] will be received by the class itself (hence why it wanted to see a class method). As to why the second method had to be a class method, self is going to refer to a class when inside a class method.

Does that explain it or is something still missing?
