- (NSArray *)parentGroups;
* Returns an array of ABGroup this person belongs to.
* Returns an empty array if this person doesn't belong to any group
// This section deals with adding/removing properties on people
+ (int)addPropertiesAndTypes:(NSDictionary *)properties;
* Adds properties to **all** people records. The dictionary must be of the form: *key: *propety name* *value: *property type*
* Property name must be unique
* Returns the number of properties successfuly added
+ (int)removeProperties:(NSArray *)properties;
* Removes properties from **all** people
* Returns the number of properties successfuly removed
+ (NSArray *)properties;
* Returns an array of property names
+ (ABPropertyType)typeOfProperty:(NSString*)property;
* Returns the type of a given property.
* Returns kABErrorInProperty if the property is not known
*// This section deals with creating search elements to search groups *
+ (ABSearchElement *)searchElementForProperty:(NSString*)property
* Returns a search element that will search on groups
* property: the name of the property to search on (cannot be null)
* label: for multi-value properties an optional label * key: for dictionary values an optional key
* value: value to match (cannot be NULL)
* comparison: the type of search (see ABTypedefs.h)
*// This section deals with vCards *
- (id)initWithVCardRepresentation:(NSData*)vCardData;
* Create a person from a vCard
* Returns nil if vCardData is nil or not a valid vCard
- (NSData *)vCardRepresentation;
* Returns the vCard representation of a person
There seems to be a little confusion on what to use for the value in the NSDictionary, every explanation on the web shows:
[newProperties setObject:@”kABStringProperty” forKey:@”com.xyz.propertyName”];
This does not work. You must create an NSNumber with one of the Constants in ABRecord.
Here is an example using addPropertiesAndTypes:
NSMutableDictionary* petProperties = [NSMutableDictionary dictionary]; [petProperties setObject:[NSNumber numberWithInt:kABArrayProperty] forKey:@”com.yourcompany.pet”]; int num = [ABPerson addPropertiesAndTypes:petProperties]; NSLog(@”addPropertiesAndTypes returned %d”, num);