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/* Returns a point cut object for all methods on all classes in the runtime, except for those prefixed with AC and core foundation bridged classes. */ -(id)init;

/* Returns a point cut object for all methods on all classes in the runtime except for anything in Foundation, Appkit, or Aspect Cocoa. (as defined by a prefix of NS %NS _NS etc…) This typically implies all user defined classes. */ -(id)initDefault;

/* Returns a point cut object for all classes in the runtime, except for those prefixed with AC and core foundation bridged classes. */ -(id)initWithJoinPoints:(NSArray *)joinPoints;

/* Returns an NSEnumerator of ACClass objects. For enumerating through all classes, the same as init */ +(NSEnumerator *)enumerateAllClasses;

/* Returns an NSEnumerator of ACClass objects. For enumerating through all classes, the same as initDefault */ +(NSEnumerator *)enumerateDefaultClasses;

/* Returns an NSEnumerator of ACClass objects. For enumerating through all classes as named by the arguments. Expects nil for it’s last argument. */ +(NSEnumerator *)enumerateClassesNamed:(NSString *)first, … ;

/* Returns a point cut object as defined by the passed array which is assumed to be an array of ACClass objects (each containing some number of ACMethod) objects */ +(ACPointCut *)pointCutWithJoinPoints:(NSArray *)joinPoints;

/* Returns a point cut object for -all classes as named by NSString objects in the ‘classes’ array -all methods belonging to such classes, as named by the NSString objects in the ‘methods’ array */ +(ACPointCut *)pointCutForClasses:(NSArray *)classes andMethods: (NSArray *)methods;
