AEVTBuilder is a small Objective-C library for building AppleEvents. It is vaguely similar to Apple’s AEBuild function, except that AEVTBuilder uses Objective-C syntax instead of an embedded format string. AEVTBuilder is built with the philosophy of creating a mini-language to accomplish the task. As such, while it is completely legal Objective-C code, it looks completely different from “real” Objective-C.
The code can be downloaded from
AppleEvents have similar structures to Cocoa PropertyList
The basic structure of an AEVTBuilder expression is like this:
[KIND : value]
The KIND is an all-caps identifier which specifies the AppleEvent type of the expression. The value is the value for this expression, which can be a single parameter or many, depending on the identifier. What kind of things can be put for the value depends on the type. The available identifiers for KIND can be found in the header file in the list of extern id globals.
Every AEVTBuilder expression returns an NSAppleEventDescriptor, so it is possible to use an existing NSAppleEventDescriptor instead of an AEVTBuilder expression, or vice versa.
The various primitive types are TYPE, INT, ENUM, DESC, DATA, and STRING.
The TYPE, INT, ENUM, and STRING types all have a single value following the colon. For TYPE and ENUM, this value is a FourCharCode. For INT, the value is an integer, and for STRING, the value is an NSString.
DATA is a little different, because an AppleEvent DATA specifier needs both a type code and the actual contents of the data. This identifer therefore takes two parameters, the first one being a FourCharCode with the type code, and the second one being an NSData with the contents.
[DATA : 'code', myNSData]
And finally the DESC type only exists in order to be able to generate a null AppleEvent descriptor. This is done by simply writing [DESC null].
A record is much like an NSDictionary, except that the keys are FourCharCode
A record is specified using the RECORD identifier. The first value is the FourCharCode type for the record. After the first value, the contents of the record are specified in key/object form. Keys are specified by using the KEY identifier, with the argument being the FourCharCode used for the key. An object is any expression, such as a primitive type, another record, or an existing NSAppleEventDescriptor. Finally, the record is terminated by using the ENDRECORD identifier.
[RECORD : ‘rcrd’, [KEY : ‘thng’], [STRING : @”Hello world”], ENDRECORD]
Full Apple Events
Now we have all of the pieces, but how about building a complete AppleEvent? The AEVT identifier lets you do this. Unlike the others, it actually takes several parameters in more of an Objective-C style, using the class:id:target: message. The class and id parameters are FourCharCode
Sending the Apple Event
Once an AppleEvent is built, you can send it using various built-in mechanisms. AEVTBuilder also provides a convenience method, sendWithImmediateReply, which sends the AppleEvent and returns an NSAppleEventDescriptor containing the reply.
An Example
Now we have everything we need to build and send an AppleEvent. Here’s a quick example of how to use it. For this example, we’ll write the AppleEvent equivalent of TextEdit’s AppleScript word 1 of front document. First, we need to find the AppleEvent that corresponds to that command. We do this by running Script Editor with AEDebugSends turned on:
AEDebugSends=1 /Applications/AppleScript/Script\\ Editor
Then I write the corresponding AppleScript and run it, looking at the output in my Terminal window:
AE2000 (1176): Sending an event: ——oo start of event oo—— { 1 } ‘aevt’: core/getd (ppc ){ return id: 77070347 (0x498000b) transaction id: 0 (0x0) interaction level: 64 (0x40) reply required: 1 (0x1) remote: 0 (0x0) target: { 2 } ‘psn ‘: 8 bytes { { 0x0, 0x6700001 } (TextEdit) } optional attributes: { 1 } ‘reco’: - 1 items { key ‘csig’ - { 1 } ‘magn’: 4 bytes { 65536l (0x10000) } }
event data: { 1 } ‘aevt’: - 1 items { key ‘—-‘ - { 1 } ‘obj ‘: - 4 items { key ‘form’ - { 1 } ‘enum’: 4 bytes { ‘indx’ } key ‘want’ - { 1 } ‘type’: 4 bytes { ‘cwor’ } key ‘seld’ - { 1 } ‘long’: 4 bytes { 1 (0x1) } key ‘from’ - { 1 } ‘obj ‘: - 4 items { key ‘form’ - { 1 } ‘enum’: 4 bytes { ‘indx’ } key ‘want’ - { 1 } ‘type’: 4 bytes { ‘docu’ } key ‘seld’ - { 1 } ‘long’: 4 bytes { 1 (0x1) } key ‘from’ - { -1 } ‘null’: null descriptor } } } }
——oo end of event oo——
Now we want to translate that into AEVTBuilder code. First, we need the ProcessSerialNumber of TextEdit. This is beyond the scope of this page, but it’s pretty easy to find using NSWorkspace functions. Then we simply translate the rest of the AppleEvent directly into code. The important bits are the part at the top where it says core/getd, which is the class/id of the event, and then the stuff inside the event data: section. The stuff which begins with ‘aevt’ is the top-level event record, which we’ll translate into code.
NSAppleEventDescriptor *descriptor = [AEVT class:’core’ id:’getd’ target:textEditPSN, [KEY : ‘—-‘], [RECORD : ‘obj ‘, [KEY : ‘form’], [ENUM : ‘indx’], [KEY : ‘want’], [TYPE : ‘cwor’], [KEY : ‘seld’], [INT : 1], [KEY : ‘from’], [RECORD : ‘obj ‘, [KEY : ‘form’], [ENUM : ‘indx’], [KEY : ‘want’], [TYPE : ‘docu’], [KEY : ‘seld’], [INT : 1], [KEY : ‘from’], [DESC null], ENDRECORD], ENDRECORD], ENDRECORD];
NSAppleEventDescriptor *reply = [descriptor sendWithImmediateReply];
And from there, you can get the result out of the reply descriptor.
– MikeAsh
This really makes creating Apple Events so much easier. Thanks Mike!
I’ve made an addition that allows you to easily use an NSURL wherever an ‘furl’ is used via this syntax:
[URL : [NSURL fileURLWithPath:@”/Users/me/Desktop/aFile.txt”]]
You can download the code here:
Also here is another example for sending a file to iTunes (pass nil to source to use the main library):
(void)addPath:(NSString *)path toPlaylist:(NSString *)playlist atSource:(NSString *)source { NSAppleEventDescriptor *descriptor = [AEVT class:’hook’ id:’Add ‘ target:[self iTunesProcess], [KEY : ‘insh’], [RECORD : ‘obj ‘, [KEY : ‘form’], [ENUM : ‘name’], [KEY : ‘want’], [TYPE : ‘cPly’], [KEY : ‘seld’], [STRING : playlist], [KEY : ‘from’], (source == nil ? // use source 1 [RECORD : ‘obj ‘, [KEY : ‘form’], [ENUM : ‘indx’], [KEY : ‘want’], [TYPE : ‘cSrc’], [KEY : ‘seld’], [INT : 1], [KEY : ‘from’], [DESC null], ENDRECORD] : // use source by name. source must exist [RECORD : ‘obj ‘, [KEY : ‘form’], [ENUM : ‘name’], [KEY : ‘want’], [TYPE : ‘cSrc’], [KEY : ‘seld’], [STRING : source], [KEY : ‘from’], [DESC null], ENDRECORD] ), ENDRECORD], [KEY : ‘—-‘], [URL : [NSURL fileURLWithPath:path]], ENDRECORD];
[descriptor sendWithImmediateReply]; }
It’s the equivalent of this AppleScript:
tell application “iTunes” add (“/Users/me/Desktop/someFile.mp3” as POSIX file) to (playlist “My Music” of source 1) end tell
Here’s an NSWorkspace addition for use with AEVTBuilder to find the ProcessSerialNumber:
@implementation NSWorkspace (ProcessSerialNumberFinder)
(ProcessSerialNumber)processSerialNumberForApplicationWithIdentifier:(NSString *)identifier { ProcessSerialNumber psn = {0, 0};
NSEnumerator *enumerator = self launchedApplications] objectEnumerator]; [[NSDictionary *dict; while ((dict = [enumerator nextObject])) { if (dict objectForKey:@”[[NSApplicationBundleIdentifier”] isEqualToString:identifier]) { psn.highLongOfPSN = dict objectForKey:@”[[NSApplicationProcessSerialNumberHigh”] longValue]; psn.lowLongOfPSN = dict objectForKey:@”[[NSApplicationProcessSerialNumberLow”] longValue]; break; } }
return psn; } @end
Note that it only works with applications that present a UI, as these are the only ones NSWorkspace returns in launchedApplications. I’d be interested to see how to do the same thing with faceless applications.
To get faceless apps you have to use Carbon (note that this code has not been tested in any way, beware):
(ProcessSerialNumber)processSerialNumberForApplicationWithIdentifier:(NSString *)identifier { ProcessSerialNumber psn = { 0, kNoProcess }; while(GetNextProcess(&psn) == noErr) { NSDictionary *info = (id)ProcessInformationCopyDictionary(&psn, kProcessDictionaryIncludeAllInformationMask); [info autorelease];
NSString *thisIdentifier = [info objectForKey:(id)kCFBundleIdentifierKey];
if([thisIdentifier isEqual:identifier])
return psn; }
ProcessSerialNumber notFound = { 0, kNoProcess }; return notFound; }
Note that the info dictionary will also contain keys for LSUIElement and LSBackgroundOnly, making it fairly easy to add a flag to the method to make it only look for visible apps. – MikeAsh