I�m working with Core Data. I�m trying to set a relationship for an instance of an entity. I just option-dragged the entity from Xcode to IB and I�m able to modify the relationship. No problem so far.
Now, I modified the ArrayController adding a contentSet which causes the tableView to display only those entities corresponding to a selected item (see representation below). When attempting to modify he relationship, I get this error:
�*** -observeValueForKeyPath:ofObject:change:context: only defined for abstract class. Define -[NSKeyValueObservance observeValueForKeyPath:ofObject:change:context:]!�
The relationship doesn�t change every time, or sometimes it has changed when I reopen the app�
Employee-Model representation of the problem:
Department 1 > Employees A,B,C Department 2 > Employees D,E,F Managers > Alpha,Beta
Without contentSet (all instances of Employee): Employees A,B,C,D,E,F With contentSet (Depart. 1 instances of Employee): Employees A,B,C
Without contentSet: Employee A, change manager from Alpha to Beta: OK! With contentSet: Employee A, change manager from Alpha to Beta: erratic, logs error!
Let me precise that I used this type of contentSet from a relationship in ArrayControllers many times with no problem� However this time I concatenated two AC:
Entity1AC(no contentSet) [Works]
Entity2AC(contentSet: Entity1AC selection entity2s) [Works]
Entity3AC(contentSet: Entity2AC selection entity3s) [Doesn�t work]
Thank you for any help!!