Anybody have any suggestions on how I can easily use AppleScript to execute one line of code?
I’m trying to get my program to tell System Preferences to quit, and I think the best way to go about doing so is by using AppleScript.
Any hints or suggestions?
– KentSutherland
Try this:
NSString *scriptText;
NSAppleScript *quit;
scriptText=@”tell application "System Preferences" to quit”;
quit=[[NSAppleScript alloc] initWithSource:scriptText];
[quit executeAndReturnError:nil];
[scriptText release];
[quit release];
— greez shadow71
That will only work on 10.2 and higher, though. On 10.1 and earlier the class was called _NSAppleScript and was private (for god knows what reason why). [ API is often kept private until its implementation or public interface is finalized. Why? In a dynamic-library environment you can’t change API once it ships and ask clients to re-write their apps to conform to the new API (which is what the unix/Linux community traditionally does); users commonly run older programs against newer dylibs. So once a client dynamically links in an API, it must remain for the forseeable future. As a reuslt soon-to-be-public API is often tested privately before being publicized. No doubt _NSAppleScript is one such example. – MikeTrent ]
Anyway, for quitting System Preferences you could (should?) use the Process Manager.
– FinlayDobbie