static const struct { char const* const name; unichar const code; } KeyGlyphs[] = { { “pb_enter”, 0x2324 },
{ "left", 0x2190 },
{ "up", 0x2191 },
{ "right", 0x2192 },
{ "down", 0x2193 },
{ "ib_left", 0x21E0 },
{ "ib_up", 0x21E1 },
{ "ib_right", 0x21E2 },
{ "ib_down", 0x21E3 },
{ "home", 0x2196 },
{ "end", 0x2198 },
{ "return", 0x21A9 },
{ "pageup", 0x21DE },
{ "pagedown", 0x21DF },
{ "tab", 0x21E5 },
{ "backtab", 0x21E4 },
{ "shift", 0x21E7 },
{ "control", 0x2303 },
{ "enter", 0x2305 },
{ "command", 0x2318 },
{ "modifier", 0x2325 },
{ "backspace", 0x232B },
{ "delete", 0x2326 },
{ "escape", 0x238B },
{ "numlock", 0x2327 },
{ "help", 0x225F } };
The reason for the pb_enter is that Project Builder depicts the enter key with another glyph than the rest of the system, and the same for the ib_left/right/up/down.
Please add code points as you see fit!
The F-keys don’t appear to be associated with a Unicode code point, but they are in Lucida Grande’s glyph repertoire shown in Font Book. The technote at shows how to support unencoded glyphs.
Which for Cocoa programmers would be something like:
NSGlyphInfo* glyphInfo = [NSGlyphInfo glyphInfoWithGlyphName: @”F1” forFont:lucidaFont baseString:@”F1”];
NSDictionary* attr = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys: glyphInfo, NSGlyphInfoAttributeName, lucidaFont, NSFontAttributeName, nil];
[attributedStr addAttributes:attr range:rangeOfF1Substring];