Hello- I am attempting to support applescript in my recipe management application that has a simple structure. The applications delegate class, CWGMainController, supports applecsript with the following methods:
@implementation CWGMainController (CWGScriptability)
(NSScriptObjectSpecifier *)objectSpecifier; { NSScriptClassDescription *containerClassDesc = (NSScriptClassDescription *)[NSScriptClassDescription classDescriptionForClass:[NSApp class]]; NSNameSpecifier *nameSpecifier = [[NSNameSpecifier alloc] initWithContainerClassDescription:containerClassDesc containerSpecifier:nil key:@”recipe”];
return nameSpecifier; }
Now, the recipe class, [[CWGRecipe, also has scripting support:
@implementation CWGRecipe (CWGscriptability)
(NSScriptObjectSpecifier *)objectSpecifier; { NSApplication *mainApplication = [NSApplication sharedApplication]; CWGMainController *mainController = [mainApplication delegate]; CWGRecipeController *recipeController = [mainController recipeController]; NSArray *recipes = [recipeController recipesArray]; unsigned int recipeIndex = [recipes indexOfObjectIdenticalTo:self];
if (recipeIndex != NSNotFound) { NSScriptObjectSpecifier *containerSpecifier = [mainController objectSpecifier]; NSIndexSpecifier *indexSpecifier = [[NSIndexSpecifier allocWithZone:[self zone]] initWithContainerClassDescription:[containerSpecifier keyClassDescription] containerSpecifier:containerSpecifier key:@”application”];
return [indexSpecifier autorelease]; }
NSLog(@”I did not find this recipe in the recipes array, error!”); return nil; } @end
my sdef file looks like this:
note that I am not showing the complete sdef file. It contains the standard suite…
So, now if I run a simple script like this:
tell application “Organized Gourmet” make new recipe with properties {name:”recipe from applescript”} end tell
the script returns a “NSUnknownKeyScriptError”. Now for the crazy part: the script does what it is supposed to. ‘application:delegateHandlesKey:’ is called and then ‘insertInRecipes:’ is called. Therefore, the recipe is created and inserted into the correct array. Neither of the objectSpecifiers is called.
I believe that the script is expecting a return specifier but, since those functions are not being called, I am a bit confused. Any ideas?
so, it appears as though the problem is in the line recipeController xmlParser] addRecipe:newRecipe]; If I remove the line, the error goes away, but so does the functionality. Interestingly, the next call is to objectSpecifier: in the [[CWGRecipe class.