*http://www.ccs.neu.edu/home/lorenz/center/aop.html *http://www.iturls.com/English/TechHotspot/TH_e.asp
MethodSwizzling provides some useful information pertaining to my implementation…
A user of an aspect will define certain methods/classes or categories of methods or classes, which are to be overriden by a special method that optionally does something, then calls the original method, then optionally does something else.
The definition of what and when and where to override is called a PointCut. and the optionally does something is called Advice. (defined by an AdviceObject)
A simple example of what an Aspect could do: Whenever any method on NSObject is called (not it’s subclasses), print out the name of that method… I’m also going to need this: http://developer.apple.com/documentation/Cocoa/Conceptual/ObjectiveC/4objc_runtime_overview/chapter_4_section_6.html and the: _cmd pointer and the stuff in: /usr/include/objc
also, I’d like to find a replacement for:
NSMethodSignature * signature = [theClass instanceMethodSignatureForSelector: selector];
int num = [signature numberOfArguments];
Replacement: How about method_getNumberOfArguments .
so that I don’t have to rely on everything being a subclass of NSObject .. although I could parse the selector to look for the number of :’s if it were a string… how do I turn a SEL into an NSString
NSStringFromSelector(). It’s documented in the Foundation Functions page, but is fairly obvious.