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I’m trying to programmatically change the height of my sheet, but an interesting thing happens. The first time I open the sheet, it is about 20 pixels too short, cutting off the top. But, every time it is opened after that, it’s the correct height.

Here is my Code, along with some checks via NSLog:

NSLog( @”Before Resize: %d”, (int)NSHeight([exportWindow frame]) );

NSRect r; int newWinSizeV = 204; int newWinSizeH = (int) NSWidth([exportWindow frame]);

r = NSMakeRect([exportWindow frame].origin.x, [exportWindow frame].origin.y, newWinSizeH, newWinSizeV); [exportWindow setFrame:r display:YES animate:NO];

NSLog( @”After Resize: %d”, (int)NSHeight([exportWindow frame]) );

[NSApp beginSheet: exportSheet modalForWindow: mainWindow modalDelegate: self didEndSelector: nil contextInfo: nil];

NSLog( @”After Showing Sheet: %d”, (int)NSHeight([exportWindow frame]) ); NSLog( @” “ );

And here is the NSLog result

2005-12-18 14:32:24.131 Application[2867] Before Resize: 226 2005-12-18 14:32:24.132 Application[2867] After Resize: 204 2005-12-18 14:32:24.622 Application[2867] After Showing Sheet: 182 2005-12-18 14:32:24.633 Application[2867]
2005-12-18 14:32:25.574 Application[2867] Before Resize: 182 2005-12-18 14:32:25.592 Application[2867] After Resize: 204 2005-12-18 14:32:26.100 Application[2867] After Showing Sheet: 204 2005-12-18 14:32:26.100 Application[2867]
2005-12-18 14:32:25.574 Application[2867] Before Resize: 204 2005-12-18 14:32:25.592 Application[2867] After Resize: 204 2005-12-18 14:32:26.100 Application[2867] After Showing Sheet: 204 2005-12-18 14:32:26.100 Application[2867]

So, it is clear that the window resizes appropriately the first time, but after the beginSheet: call, the window is too small. But every time after that, the window is correct and stays correct.

Does anybody have any insight as to why this might be happening? Does beginSheet: do something to the window size when running, but only the first time? Thanks for the help.

The difference in size you are seeing is the window - minus the title bar. It does happen the first time you show a sheet, so you’ll need to adjust your calculations by the fixed height of the title bar after you show the window as a sheet - I’ve also seen this behaviour.