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Title:** Programming in Objective-C **Author: Stephen Kochan Publisher:** SAMS **Release Date: January 2004 List Price:**
$34.99 **


Programming in Objective-C is a concise, carefully written tutorial on the basics of Objective-C and object-oriented programming. The book makes no assumption about prior experience with object-oriented programming languages or with the C language (upon which Objective-C is based). And because of this, both novice and experienced programmers alike can use this book to quickly and effectively learn the fundamentals of Objective-C. Readers can also learn the concepts of object-oriented programming without having to first learn all of the intricacies of the underlying procedural language (C). This approach, combined with many small program examples and exercises at the end of each chapter, makes it ideally suited for either classroom use or self-study…. See [] for more details.

*About the Author

Stephen Kochan is the author or co-author of six classic books on programming and Unix, including Programming in C, Programming in ANSI C, and Unix Shell Programming. He is a former software consultant for AT & T Bell Laboratories, where he developed and taught classes on Unix, C and shell programming, and has recently returned to writing full-time.


Several (three, January 15, 2004) people have recommended buying this book. How about some comments on why you feel this way?

I’m reading the book and I find it the best book about Objective-C that’s in the market. It’s very easy to read, it’s context is clear and easy to follow. I have made great improvement after reading five chapters. Give it a shot.

I totally agree. It is a book on the language, not a book on Cocoa programming. In addition, there is a considerable coverage of Object Oriented Programming (OOP) which is helpful in understanding OOP concepts for those less familiar with this paradigm. Get Aaron Hillegass’ Cocoa Programming for Mac OS X Book [BookCocoaProgMacOSX] for the GUI material.

Borders/Amazon has this title for $26.39 (3/08)


You can get it for $25.50 from here:

Fantastic book. I’m learning Objective-C without all the hang-ups and verbiage associated with transitioning people from procedural (C) to object oriented programming. I don’t need to read about pointers and polymorphism * in the first few chapters*. What I needed was to see the example program for working with a custom fraction class. A complete program shown on a page and a half. To heck with learning C first.

-=- Bantok (On chapter 5 and still going strong)

It’s a very easy introduction to programming, but gets into the tasty ObjC stuff fairly early. It’s well written, except for his annoying habit of putting semicolons at the end of @implementation ClassName lines.

That’s not technically an error, is it?

This book kicks major arse. Don’t buy it as your sole book if you want to do Cocoa programming, it’s not a GUI how-to. A great companion to Hillegass’s Cocoa Programming For Mac OS X. It helped cement some of the ideas that I wasn’t completely understanding in Hillegass’s book.

Totally agree with what’s said above. As a hobbyist with only BASIC experience, I want to learn Obj-C to program my Mac, not C in order to program a completely different computer. And unlike other books and web-tutorials I’ve seen, this book explains things without making my head hurt … so seems to be exactly what I need.

BTW, for those of you in the US, the author is selling signed copies for $23

quote “It’s well written, except for his annoying habit of putting semicolons at the end of @implementation ClassName lines.” No it’s been like that for a very long time, it’s optional.

It’s not rejected by the compiler, of course, but doesn’t really make any sense, since @implementation ClassName is not a statement that needs termination. By putting them in there (and why no semicolons after the @end statements?) it just seems weird.

got it. buy it. but don’t expect support worth a flip from the author’s web site. The site is really almost one of those forgotten things on the internet that hangs around but almost barely works anymore… S.K. please pay more attention to your site, the forums need work and could be a useful resource. I got the ebook version. much nicer than carrying around a heavy book! (hillegass are you listening to that..?) S.K.’s writing style is very good. Easy to understand and direct, to the point. Some prior experience trying to learn C first will benefit you. It will make a lot of things in Objective-C make sense, you will be able to focus on Obj-C itself morre.

I’ve parked the errata, answers to exercises, etc. temporarily here: I am working on a second edition to cover Objective-C 2.0. Should be ready in the fall. I promise to pay more attention to the web site. You can email me with questions, suggestions, etc: Thanks!

Steve Kochan Pour devenir figurant sur maintenir votre numéro, vous aurez peuvent avoir Bill Agent ( Règle) [ rio bouygues]. Vous obtiendrez est certain d’obtenir gratuitement pour gratuit par téléphonant du serveur ou du service à la clientèle clientèle partir de votre vieille fournisseur [ numero rio bouygues] . Vous ne recevez immédiatement un SMS utilisant votre. Avec votre [ code rio orange], alors il est possible d’ à l’ offre de de à propos fruits .