UPDATE: I found the problem. Since size_t is unsigned, the value of “-x” is only valid for x = 0 (which corresponds to the left-most column).
So in the provideImageData method, the line:
CGPoint drawpoint = CGPointMake(-x,height+y-h);
should be
CGPoint drawpoint = CGPointMake(-((float)x),(float)(height+y)-h);
With this, the code seems to work perfectly. I’m leaving this as is, in case anyone else has the same problem.
**The lesson here that you should always beware of types that wrap around primitives; you can’t always tell if they’re signed or not just by looking at them. With size_t, at least, it’s only logical for it to be unsigned (what would a negative sign even mean). But you might not guess with something like clock_t. A few clicks on “Jump to Definition” could save you a lot of headaches. This is also good to remember whenever something only works when a value is equal to zero. **
I am trying to implement the CIImageProvider informal protocol to facilitate “lazy” conversion of a CGLayer into a CIImage by specifying a tile size.
I have created a factory class, CIL
This uses a private helper class, CIL
The relevant code from CIL
+(CIImage *) imageWithCGLayer:(CGLayerRef)layer calibrated:(BOOL)calibratedColorSpace { CIImage * img = nil;
CGColorSpaceRef cs;
//set up colorspace
if(calibratedColorSpace) {
cs = CGColorSpaceCreateWithName(kCGColorSpaceUserRGB);
} else {
cs = CGColorSpaceCreateDeviceRGB();
//create a provider instance
CILayerProvider * prov = [[CILayerProvider alloc] initWithLayer:layer colorspace:cs];
if(prov) {
CGSize size = CGLayerGetSize(layer);
//Set up the CIImage to call the provider
img = [CIImage imageWithImageProvider:prov size:size.width : size.height format:PIX_FORMAT colorSpace:cs
options: [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys:
[NSNumber numberWithInt:PROV_TILE_SIZE], kCIImageProviderTileSize, nil]];
[prov release];
return img; }
And the relevant code from CIL
(void)provideImageData:(void *)data bytesPerRow:(size_t)rowbytes origin:(size_t) x :(size_t)y size:(size_t)width:(size_t)height userInfo (id)info {
size_t len = height * rowbytes; void * newdata = malloc(len); //create temporary holder for image data
if(newdata) { CGContextRef cx = CGBitmapContextCreate(newdata, width, height, 8, rowbytes, cs, kCGImageAlphaPremultipliedFirst); //get the offset for drawing the layer in this tile CGPoint drawpoint = CGPointMake(-x,height+y-h); /* h = height of the layer (set on init) */
CGContextDrawLayerAtPoint(cx, drawpoint, layer);
memcpy(data, newdata, len); //copy the image data into the data pointer provided
free(newdata); //free the temporary data
CGContextRelease(cx); } }
This compiles without any warnings and doesn’t log any errors at runtime.
The problem is that the resulting CIImage contains only the the tiles from the left-most column of the image. All other tiles are clear (as in black with alpha=0).
What I’ve done to explore this problem:
Especially in light of the fact that the problem still occurred with NSImage, I think I am either missing something fundamental, or this part of Core Image is completely broken. A Google search on this topic provided literally no help. Does anyone have any suggestions?
Failing that, does anyone know an efficient way to create a CIImage from a CGLayer that doesn’t immediately copy the entire layer? Would it be possible to extend CIImage to achieve the same result?