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CSCoroutine is an implementation of CoRoutine**’s for Cocoa. It provides a proxy object and NSObject category for easily setting up coroutines, and switching between them.

There are only a few methods that are considered public:

There’s a simple example available at CSCoroutineTest.

There are a number of issues with the current implementation:

Another problem is that the library keeps track of a pointer to the currently running coroutine, and this pointer will be wrong if an excpetion is thrown across coroutines. To work around this, one has to save the current coroutine using +[CSCoroutine currentCoroutine] before entering exception-catching code, and restoring it with +[CSCoroutine setCurrentCoroutine] immediately after catching an exception. See the CSCoroutineTest for an example.

A big thanks goes to the authors of LibCoroutine, which although it turned out not to be suitable for this project, provided me with enough hints to implement it myself. – WAHa

Update on September 4, 2007: Fixed stack alignment and exception problems. Bypassed the use of NSInvocation entirely, as it was causing a lot of trouble. Should work a lot better now, and faster too. – WAHa

Update on September 12, 2007: Figured out what was causing problems with thread jumping: Returning to the coroutine that created another coroutine is not a good idea if that coroutine is now running on a different thread. Therefore, the semantics of returnFrom were changed so that it returns to the coroutine that last called the current one, not the one that created it. This should make thread conflicts less likely. – WAHa

Update on September 18, 2007: Now supports Leopard. Also removed the note about the code being immature, because I have now been testing it in real-world apps and worked out most the immediately obvious problems. – WAHa

Update on October 10, 2007: Added +[CSCoroutine setCurrentCoroutine:] call to restore the current coroutine pointer after an exception. See notes above, and CSCoroutineTest.

The source code follows. First, CSCoroutine.h:

#import <Foundation/Foundation.h> #import #import <objc/objc-class.h>

@interface CSCoroutine:NSProxy { id target; size_t stacksize; void *stack; BOOL fired;

CSCoroutine *caller;
jmp_buf env;

SEL selector;
marg_list arguments;
int argsize;

NSInvocation *inv; } +(CSCoroutine *)mainCoroutine; +(CSCoroutine *)currentCoroutine; +(void)setCurrentCoroutine:(CSCoroutine *)curr; +(void)returnFromCurrent;

-(id)initWithTarget:(id)targetobj stackSize:(size_t)stackbytes; -(void)dealloc;

-(void)switchTo; -(void)returnFrom; @end

@interface NSObject (CSCoroutine) -(CSCoroutine *)newCoroutine; -(CSCoroutine *)newCoroutineWithStackSize:(size_t)stacksize; @end

Second, CSCoroutine.m:

#ifndef MAC_OS_X_VERSION_MIN_REQUIRED #define MAC_OS_X_VERSION_MIN_REQUIRED MAC_OS_X_VERSION_10_1 #endif #ifndef MAC_OS_X_VERSION_MAX_ALLOWED #define MAC_OS_X_VERSION_MAX_ALLOWED MAC_OS_X_VERSION_10_4 #endif #import “CSCoroutine.h” #import #import <objc/objc-runtime.h>

@interface NSProxy (Hidden) -(void)doesNotRecognizeSelector:(SEL)sel; @end

static pthread_key_t currkey,mainkey;

static void CSCoroutineFreeMain(CSCoroutine *main) { [main release]; }

static CSCoroutine *CSMainCoroutine() { CSCoroutine *main=(CSCoroutine *)pthread_getspecific(mainkey); if(!main) { main=[[CSCoroutine alloc] initWithTarget:nil stackSize:0]; pthread_setspecific(mainkey,main); } return main; }

static CSCoroutine *CSCurrentCoroutine() { CSCoroutine *curr=(CSCoroutine *)pthread_getspecific(currkey); if(curr) return curr; else return CSMainCoroutine(); }

static CSCoroutine *CSSetCurrentCoroutine(CSCoroutine *new) { CSCoroutine *curr=CSCurrentCoroutine(); pthread_setspecific(currkey,new); return curr; }

static void CSSetEntryPoint(jmp_buf env,void (*entry)(),void *stack,int stacksize) { #if defined(i386) env[9]=(((int)stack+stacksize)&~15)-4; // -4 to pretend that a return address has just been pushed onto the stack env[12]=(int)entry; #else env[0]=((int)stack+stacksize-64)&~3; env[21]=(int)entry; #endif }

@implementation CSCoroutine

+(void)initialize { pthread_key_create(&currkey,NULL); pthread_key_create(&mainkey,(void (*)())CSCoroutineFreeMain); }

+(CSCoroutine *)mainCoroutine { return CSMainCoroutine(); }

+(CSCoroutine *)currentCoroutine { return CSCurrentCoroutine(); }

+(void)setCurrentCoroutine:(CSCoroutine *)curr { CSSetCurrentCoroutine(curr); }

+(void)returnFromCurrent { [CSCurrentCoroutine() returnFrom]; }

-(id)initWithTarget:(id)targetobj stackSize:(size_t)stackbytes { target=targetobj; stacksize=stackbytes; if(stacksize) stack=malloc(stacksize); fired=target?NO:YES;


return self; }

-(void)dealloc { free(stack); [inv release]; [super dealloc]; }

-(void)switchTo { CSCoroutine *curr=CSSetCurrentCoroutine(self); caller=curr; if(_setjmp(curr->env)==0) _longjmp(env,1); }

-(void)returnFrom { /CSCoroutine *curr=/CSSetCurrentCoroutine(caller); if(_setjmp(env)==0) _longjmp(caller->env,1); }

static void CSTigerCoroutineStart() { CSCoroutine *coro=CSCurrentCoroutine(); objc_msgSendv(coro->target,coro->selector,coro->argsize,coro->arguments); [coro returnFrom]; [NSException raise:@”CSCoroutineException” format:@”Attempted to switch to a coroutine that has ended”]; }

-forward:(SEL)sel :(marg_list)args // Tiger forwarding { if(fired) [NSException raise:@”CSCoroutineException” format:@”Attempted to start a coroutine that is already running”]; fired=YES;

Method method=class_getInstanceMethod([target class],sel);
if(!method) { [self doesNotRecognizeSelector:sel]; return nil; }


[self switchTo];
return nil; }

-(NSMethodSignature *)methodSignatureForSelector:(SEL)sel { return [target methodSignatureForSelector:sel]; }

static void CSLeopardCoroutineStart() { CSCoroutine *coro=CSCurrentCoroutine(); [coro->inv invoke]; [coro returnFrom]; [NSException raise:@”CSCoroutineException” format:@”Attempted to switch to a coroutine that has ended”]; }

-(void)forwardInvocation:(NSInvocation *)invocation { if(fired) [NSException raise:@”CSCoroutineException” format:@”Attempted to start a coroutine that is already running”]; fired=YES;

inv=[invocation retain];
[inv setTarget:target];


[self switchTo]; }


@implementation NSObject (CSCoroutine)

-(CSCoroutine )newCoroutine { return [[CSCoroutine alloc] initWithTarget:self stackSize:10241024]; }

-(CSCoroutine *)newCoroutineWithStackSize:(size_t)stacksize { return [[CSCoroutine alloc] initWithTarget:self stackSize:stacksize]; }


Post any discussion here at the bottom of the page! – WAHa

“The test program spews lots of warnings, though, because Apple seems to have decided to put a lot of useless warnings into NSLock which are triggered by entirely correct usage.”

Unless I’m badly misunderstanding something, your test program is not using NSLock correctly. It is not allowed to lock an NSLock from one thread and unlock it in another. The way you’re using NSLock to wait for another thread to finish is incorrect and not guaranteed to work at all. You should be using NSConditionLock for that sort of thing.

I see, I was assuming an NSLock was like your average semaphore, but apparently it is far less useful than that. The code did work just fine, but I’ve changed it to use NSConditionLock instead. – WAHa

NSLock is equivalent to (and implemented with) pthread_mutex, and inherits this limitation from it. The code change looks good. One note, not really a problem, but if you’re just signaling with an NSConditionLock then you can just do [lock lock]; [lock unlockWithCondition:…];, there’s no need to lock using the current condition.