Languages with bridges to the ObjC runtime:
- AppleScript: AppleScriptStudio is Apple’s Cocoa bridge for AppleScript
- C#:
** NObjective - the fastest .NET to Objective-C bridge []
** Monobjc - A .NET/Objective-C bridge (C#, VB.NET, etc) []
** CocoaSharp - the Cocoa bridge for C#
** Dumbarton []
- D:
** D/Objective-C Bridge []
** Cocodao - D/Cocoa bridge []
- Dylan: Gwydion Dylan has an Objective-C bridge
- Eiffel: EiffelCocoa - the Cocoa bridge for Eiffel
- Forth
- HaskellObjC - the Haskell/Objective-C bridge
- Io: The Io language has an Objective-C bridge [see]
- Java: CocoaJava is Apple’s Cocoa bridge for Java (now deprecated; Apple says use JNI)
- JavaScript
** Apple’s JavaScriptCocoaBridge
** NodObjC - Bridge for NodeJS
** JsCocoa
** js-macosx (Mozilla only) [see]
- Lisp: there are two Lisp implementations with Cocoa bridges
** LispWorks has an Objective-C interface
** OpenMCL has an Objective-C bridge
- Lua
- LuaObjCBridge - Lua/Objective-C bridge
- LuaCocoa - Spiritual successor to Lua/Objective-C bridge for Obj-C 2.0 using BridgeSupport [see]
- Wax - An iPhone focused Lua/Objective-C bridge [see]
- TLC - A very compact bridge for use with luajit [see]
- OCaml: objective-c-caml-bridge - a ObjC / OCaml Bridge for Mac OS X [see]
- Perl: there are two Cocoa bridges for Perl
** CamelBones - a Perl/Objective-C bridge
** PerlObjCBridge - another Perl/Objective-C bridge
- Python: PyObjC - the Python/Objective-C bridge
- Ruby: RubyCocoa - the Ruby/Objective-C bridge
- Scheme: there are two Schemes with an Objective-C bridge
** Chicken-Scheme has an Objective-C bridge [see objc egg at]
** Gauche has an Objective-C bridge
- Smalltalk: there are two Smalltalk implementations with Cocoa bridges
** AmbraiSmalltalk has a Cocoa bridge
** there is an Objective-C bridge for the MacOS X version of Squeak, see SmallTalk
for languages with native ObjC runtime support, see CocoaLanguages