Make your own homepage on this site here (see HowToCreateNewPages): [New] To add it to this listing, put \%\%BEGINENTRY\%\%CocoaDevUsers - brief comment\%\%ENDENTRY\%\% somewhere on the page. You will not need to edit this page. Alternatively, if you don’t want a page, edit this page and add yourself to the “currently homeless” list (in alphabetical order, please).
Users with homepages: [Topic]
Currently homeless:
- AkKu - lost in space
- Alberto V. M. - Mac User and Dev, from Brazil.
- AleMoreno - Spanish Cocoa Dev
- Ana Maria M. - Java Developer interested in learning Cocoa.
- Andy Goss - lost in cocoa
- Ank - the iOS nerd
- APhillips - Independent Software Developer
- Appleicious - CS student. Some experience with C++ and currently studying Java. New to Cocoa. Loves the WikiWikiWeb concept.
- Aurojit Panda - Crazy foolish programmer, new to Cocoa, old to a lot of other stuff
- awrc - New to Mac/OS X/Obj-C/Cocoa, but experienced with C/C++ and OOP in general on Windows and assorted Unix-based OSen. Currently trying to teach myself Obj-C/Cocoa and C#/.NET in parallel without getting too confused. Planning to write a mail client, just because. Realizes his chosen handle is just another word to WikiWikiWeb, but doesn’t mind.
- Bani Uppal - iOS developer and coding enthusiast : see
- Bartosz Smaga - Cocoa, GUI, QuickTime coder : see
- bavb - so new it hurts, i wish i were there already.
- BBurke - lost without a clue
- Ben Hudson - Australian Computer Science Student, using Cocoa to develop my thesis project - loving it.
- BlainHamon - Sold soul with VB purgatory, burned out and left programming, returning to it with Cocoa this time and loving it.
- BruceNicholls - Looking at some stuff with the iPad.
- Chewtoy - trying hard to learn cocoa!
- Christopher Hiller - stuff and things
- Craig StJean - Hardcore unix programmer, little Windows programming. Now switching to Mac!
- Darrell - Programmer/Scripter for 10+ yrs, just now getting into Cocoa programming. to help others learn Cocoa as well as to provide a free forum for people to discuss Cocoa programming (as an alternative to Apple’s paid subscription-based forums).
- David Francis - Can understand RealBasic, can understand Visual Basic, can’t understand Cocoa!!
- Ecir Hana - Very new to Cocoa.
- ecume des jours - communities like this make it all come together. coming from perl and some c++ cocoa is daunting but ultimately very elegant and efficient from a coding perspective…
- esammer - Resident lurker and obscure tool factoid geek.
- Eimantas Vaiciunas - Struggling to blog at
- Fredrik Olsson - Cocoa, D and LISP coder
- Hemanth Prasad - Indian Computer Science Student, trying out cocoa.
- Hisham Khalifa - Binary Bakery chief bit juggler
- Jason Cheung - Java background. Cocoa cadet. Ski addict. Sydney resident. Would love to live & work somewhere in Europe (ah the alps….).
- Jean-Michel MARINO - JMM Code Park - AutomountMaker developer
- jimd - OpenGL, Cocoa, Objective-C C++
- jly - new to Cocoa
- jmpdude - New to Cocoa & Mac OS X, old to the Mac OS.
- John Clayton - C++ luny, bit of java stuff, yeeears coding (i feel old… wait… i am!)
- John Ulmer - I do perl, Solaris-admin, REALbasic, and now learning Cocoa, which I am enjoying a lot. Would like to network with Cocoa-heads & MacOS programmers in the NYC area. Write me at
- Hari - New to ObjC
- Kartik Mistry - Newbie to Cocoa#, C# - just move to Mac nowadays. Linux Developer by proffestion.
- Kristj�n Kristinsson - python programmer trying to learn objc/cocoa
- Leif M. Wright. I have a site, but it’s not cocoa related. I’ve migrated over from C, Perl and REALBasic experience.
- Luke Fitzgerald - Would love to have a home but is/are not cool enough. (Taught myself all that web dev stuff too, just cant think what to put there) 1st year comp science student in Australia. Bit of C++, Just looking into Obj-C. Heres hoping my little bullet turns out OK.
- Luke Mazzeri - It doesn’t do WHAT?!?! Do i HAVE to write EVERY feature that I want MYSELF?? Then SO BE IT.
- LukiWesti - few years experince with C++ (OpenGL/Shell Apps)
- Matthew Hilder, just starting with Cocoa and XCode 2.2 (28/11/05) (DD/MM/YY). From Australia
- Matthew Rose, Writer, Artist and Writer, just finished a short novel: Plan b. for a free copy.
- michael “nomad” starke - student from germany, trying to make this beast ObjC do what I want it to do :)
- MrO - Mark Onyschuk, ex-NeXT who’se good for answering Cocoa questions as best as he can…
- peacha - A student (still) pretty new to Cocoa
- pepemtz - Cardiovascular and Thoracic Surgeon, Mac user and hobbyist programmer. I’m looking to develop applications for medicine in Spanish and English. I have some knowledge of C and RealBasic; now I’m beginning with Cocoa.
- QuentinHill - A freelance programmer, who just has to know all there is to know about Cocoa.
- recursivecall - Mac developer since 1987, NeXTSTEP since 1991, and now moving on to Cocoa and WebObjects.
- RobertEgnacheski - Actionscript(Flash), PHP, SQL, JavaScript, Cocoa newbie + more.
- Robert White - Cocoa hobbyist
- Russell Jones - A starving Cocoa developer ;)
- Sergei Yakovlev - trying to program OpenGL under Cocoa
- James Snell - Learning to use Cocoa for medical application development
- stupidFish23 - the big Cocoa fish. o{
- Ted Kaminski - Full-time cocoa developer.
- tmk - Learning Cocoa by writing an outliner.
- TomIngham - Coalmarch Productions LLC
- Yann Garnier - Cocoa, GNUstep, NeXTSTEP lover, I use C, C++, Objective-C and some web language :PHP,JavaScript.
- Yuhui - UW-Madison Computer Science senior, some experience with C++ and Java, new at Cocoa, creator of “Birthday Reminder”, maybe you’ve heard of it? (Ah . . . I loved Madison – MikeTrent)
- zirman - Cocoa with marshmellows…yum!
- Vyom Sharma - Grad student building cocoa based simulation programs
- PhilKing - Direct Information Systems Inc.
- MuthuArumuagm - Memweave Inc.
*Christopher Goodman - Cocoa and Cocoa Touch on the iPhone - starting Biocompta
*Eugene Munyaneza - BSc Computer Science student
*Laurel would like to find other newbies working on learning Objective-C in San Francisco Bay Area, email me append ‘shimer’ to the first letter of my name then “”
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