This is a NSCollectionView like class that works on Tiger. It derives directly from NSView. I tried to customize NSTableView but there were too many bugs with drag/drop and scrollbars for it too work. If you don’t need those features then you might want to start there first (see ). –SaileshAgrawal
This is written specifically with the requirements I had in mind. It has the following features and limitations hard coded into it:
Remember that this is mostly sample code. Feel free to use it any way you like but there will likely be some bugs in it.
#import <Cocoa/Cocoa.h>
@class TigerCollectionViewItem;
@protocol TigerCollectionViewTarget
@interface TigerCollectionView : NSView
IBOutlet id
(void)addItem: (TigerCollectionViewItem *)item atIndex: (int)index;
(void)removeItemAtIndex: (int)index;
(NSArray *)selectedIndexes;
@interface TigerCollectionViewItem : NSView { BOOL isSelected; NSPoint mouseDownPos; int dragTargetType; NSMutableDictionary *cachedTextColors; } @end
#import “TigerCollectionView.h”
static const float DRAG_START_DISTANCE = 10; static const float DRAG_IMAGE_ALPHA = 0.5; static NSString * const DRAG_ITEM_TYPE = @”TigerCollectionViewDragType”;
typedef enum { DragTargetType_None, DragTargetType_Top, DragTargetType_Bottom, } DragTargetType;
@interface TigerCollectionView (Private)
// Override NSView
// Internal methods
@interface TigerCollectionViewItem (Private)
// Override NSView
// Internal methods
static float PointDistance(NSPoint start, NSPoint end) { float deltaX = end.x - start.x; float deltaY = end.y - start.y; return sqrt(deltaX * deltaX + deltaY * deltaY); }
@implementation TigerCollectionView
(id)initWithFrame: (NSRect)frame { if ((self = [super initWithFrame:frame])) { items = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init]; } return self; }
(void)dealloc { [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] removeObserver:self]; [items release]; items = nil; [super dealloc]; }
(void)awakeFromNib { ASSERT(self target] conformsToProtocol: @protocol([[TigerCollectionViewTarget)]);
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:self selector:@selector(onKeyWindowChanged:) name:NSWindowDidBecomeKeyNotification object:[self window]]; [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:self selector:@selector(onKeyWindowChanged:) name:NSWindowDidResignKeyNotification object:[self window]];
[self enclosingScrollView] contentView] setCopiesOnScroll:NO];
[self registerForDraggedTypes: [[[NSArray arrayWithObjects:NSFilenamesPboardType, DRAG_ITEM_TYPE, nil]];
[self maximizeViewWidth:nil]; }
if (needsLayout) { [self performLayout]; [self maintainNonEmptySelection:0]; } [super drawRect:rect];
[[NSColor colorWithCalibratedRed:214.0/255.0 green:221.0/255.0 blue:229.0/255.0 alpha:1.0] set]; NSRectFill([self bounds]); }
(void)addItem: (TigerCollectionViewItem *)item atIndex: (int)index { ASSERT(item); [items insertObject:item atIndex:index]; [item setAutoresizingMask:NSViewWidthSizable | NSViewMinYMargin]; [self addSubview:item]; [self setNeedsLayout:YES]; }
(void)removeItemAtIndex: (int)index { [self removeItemsAtIndexes: [NSArray arrayWithObject:[NSNumber numberWithInt:index]]]; [self maintainNonEmptySelection:index]; }
(void)removeAllItems { [items removeAllObjects]; [self setNeedsLayout:YES]; [self setNeedsDisplay:YES]; }
(int)numberOfItems { return [items count]; }
@end // TigerCollectionView
@implementation TigerCollectionView (Private)
(void)setNeedsLayout: (BOOL)flag { needsLayout = flag; }
(void)performLayout { // Calculate the total height. float myHeight = 0; NSEnumerator *e = [items objectEnumerator]; TigerCollectionViewItem *item; while ((item = [e nextObject])) { myHeight += [item frame].size.height; }
// Resize the collection view to fit. NSRect myFrame = [self frame]; [self setFrameSize:NSMakeSize(myFrame.size.width, myHeight)]; if (myFrame.size.height != myHeight) { [self setNeedsDisplay:YES]; }
// Layout all the items. float yPos = 0; e = [items objectEnumerator]; while ((item = [e nextObject])) { NSRect oldItemFrame = [item frame]; NSRect newItemFrame; newItemFrame.origin.y = yPos; newItemFrame.origin.x = 0; newItemFrame.size.width = myFrame.size.width; newItemFrame.size.height = oldItemFrame.size.height; [item setFrame:newItemFrame];
yPos += newItemFrame.size.height;
if (!NSEqualRects(newItemFrame, oldItemFrame)) {
[item setNeedsDisplay:YES];
} }
[self setNeedsLayout:NO]; }
(BOOL)isFlipped { return YES; }
(void)startDrag: (NSEvent *)event withItem: (TigerCollectionViewItem *)item { // If the dragged item is selected then drag all selected items too. NSArray *dragIndexes = nil; if ([item isSelected]) { dragIndexes = [self selectedIndexes]; } else { dragIndexes = [NSArray arrayWithObject: [NSNumber numberWithInt:[items indexOfObject:item]]]; }
// Write data to the paste board. NSPasteboard *pboard = [NSPasteboard pasteboardWithName:NSDragPboard]; [pboard declareTypes:[NSArray arrayWithObjects:DRAG_ITEM_TYPE, NSFilenamesPboardType, nil] owner:self]; [pboard setPropertyList:dragIndexes forType:DRAG_ITEM_TYPE]; [pboard setPropertyList:[self filePathsForIndexes:dragIndexes] forType:NSFilenamesPboardType];
// Generate the drag image from the dragged items. NSPoint dragPos; NSImage *dragImage = [self dragImageForIndexes:dragIndexes dragPoint:&dragPos];
// Start the drag. [self dragImage:dragImage at:dragPos offset:NSZeroSize event:event pasteboard:pboard source:self slideBack:YES]; }
(NSImage *)dragImageForIndexes: (NSArray *)indexes dragPoint: (NSPoint *)dragPoint { // Make an image as big as the visible rect. NSRect dragRect = [self convertRect:[self visibleRect] fromView:[self superview]]; NSImage *dragImage = [[[NSImage alloc] initWithSize:dragRect.size] autorelease];
NSEnumerator *e = [indexes objectEnumerator]; NSNumber *indexNumber; while ((indexNumber = [e nextObject])) { TigerCollectionViewItem *item = [items objectAtIndex:[indexNumber intValue]];
NSRect itemRect = [item visibleRect];
if (NSEqualRects(itemRect, NSZeroRect)) {
// Get an image of the dragged view without the selection.
BOOL oldSelectedValue = [item isSelected];
[item setIsSelected:NO];
NSData *itemAsPDF = [item dataWithPDFInsideRect:itemRect];
[item setIsSelected:oldSelectedValue];
NSImage *itemImage = [[NSImage alloc] initWithData:itemAsPDF];
// Convert from our flipped axis into the image's non-flipped axis.
NSPoint pos = [item frame].origin;
pos.y = dragRect.origin.y + dragRect.size.height - pos.y;
pos.y -= itemRect.size.height;
// Drag the view's image into the drag image.
[dragImage lockFocus];
[itemImage drawAtPoint:pos
[dragImage unlockFocus];
[itemImage release]; }
ASSERT(dragPoint); *dragPoint = NSMakePoint(dragRect.origin.x, dragRect.origin.y + dragRect.size.height);
return dragImage; }
(void)itemClicked: (TigerCollectionViewItem *)item event: (NSEvent *)event { NSArray *oldSelection = [self selectedIndexes];
if (([event modifierFlags] & NSCommandKeyMask) != 0) { [item setIsSelected:![item isSelected]]; } else if (([event modifierFlags] & NSShiftKeyMask) != 0) { [self growSelectionToItem:item]; } else { [self setAllItemsSelected:NO]; [item setIsSelected:YES]; if ([event clickCount] == 2) { self target] performDoubleClickActionForIndex:[items indexOfObject:item; } } [self scrollToItem:item];
[self testSelectionChanged:oldSelection]; }
(void)setAllItemsSelected: (BOOL)selected { NSEnumerator *e = [items objectEnumerator]; TigerCollectionViewItem *item; while ((item = [e nextObject])) { [item setIsSelected:selected]; } }
(void)growSelectionToItem: (TigerCollectionViewItem *)item { NSArray *oldSelection = [self selectedIndexes];
int itemIndex = [items indexOfObject:item]; int startIndex = oldSelection objectAtIndex:0] intValue]; int endIndex = [[oldSelection lastObject] intValue];
if (itemIndex < startIndex) { startIndex = itemIndex; } else if (itemIndex > endIndex) { endIndex = itemIndex; }
int i; for (i = startIndex; i <= endIndex; i++) { [[items objectAtIndex:i] setIsSelected:YES]; }
[self testSelectionChanged:oldSelection]; }
(void)moveDown: (id)sender { BOOL shift = ([[[[NSApp currentEvent] modifierFlags] & NSShiftKeyMask) != 0; [self moveSelection:NO byExtending:shift]; }
(void)moveUp: (id)sender { BOOL shift = ([[NSApp currentEvent] modifierFlags] & NSShiftKeyMask) != 0; [self moveSelection:YES byExtending:shift]; }
(void)moveSelection: (BOOL)moveUp byExtending: (BOOL)byExtending { if ([items count] == 0) { return; } NSArray *oldSelection = [self selectedIndexes];
int index = NSNotFound; if (moveUp) { int firstIndex = oldSelection objectAtIndex:0] intValue]; firstIndex–; if (firstIndex >= 0) { index = firstIndex; } } else { int lastIndex = [[oldSelection lastObject] intValue]; lastIndex++; if (lastIndex < [items count]) { index = lastIndex; } }
if (index != [[NSNotFound) { if (!byExtending) { [self setAllItemsSelected:NO]; } TigerCollectionViewItem *item = [items objectAtIndex:index]; [item setIsSelected:YES]; [self scrollToItem:item]; }
[self testSelectionChanged:oldSelection]; }
(void)scrollToItem: (TigerCollectionViewItem *)item { NSRect itemFrame = [item frame]; NSPoint top, bottom; bottom.y = NSMaxY(itemFrame); top.y = NSMinY(itemFrame); top.x = 0; bottom.x = 0;
NSRect visibleRect = [self visibleRect]; BOOL bottomVisible = NSPointInRect(bottom, visibleRect); BOOL topVisible = NSPointInRect(top, visibleRect); if (!topVisible || !bottomVisible) { NSPoint scrollPos; if (!bottomVisible) { scrollPos.y = bottom.y - visibleRect.size.height; } else { scrollPos.y = top.y; } scrollPos.x = 0;
NSClipView *clipView = self enclosingScrollView] contentView];
[clipView scrollToPoint:[clipView constrainScrollPoint:scrollPos;
self enclosingScrollView] reflectScrolledClipView:clipView]; } }
(void)selectAll: (id)sender { [[NSArray *oldSelection = [self selectedIndexes]; [self setAllItemsSelected:YES]; [self testSelectionChanged:oldSelection]; }
(void)maintainNonEmptySelection: (int)index { NSArray *oldSelection = [self selectedIndexes]; if ([items count] > 0 && [oldSelection count] == 0) { int selectionIndex = index; if (selectionIndex < 0) { selectionIndex = 0; } else if (selectionIndex >= [items count]) { selectionIndex = [items count] - 1; } items objectAtIndex:selectionIndex] setIsSelected:YES];
[self testSelectionChanged:oldSelection]; } }
(void)keyDown: ([[NSEvent *)event { unichar u = event charactersIgnoringModifiers] characterAtIndex: 0];
if (u == [[NSDeleteCharacter || u == NSDeleteFunctionKey) { // Forward or backward delete. [self interpretKeyEvents:[NSArray arrayWithObject:event]]; } else if (u == NSEnterCharacter || u == NSCarriageReturnCharacter) { NSArray *indexes = [self selectedIndexes]; if ([indexes count] > 0) { self target] performDoubleClickActionForIndex: [[indexes objectAtIndex:0] intValue; } } else { [super keyDown:event]; } }
(void)deleteBackward: (id)sender { NSArray *indexes = [self selectedIndexes]; if ([indexes count] > 0 && self target] shouldRemoveItemsAtIndexes:indexes]) { [self removeItemsAtIndexes:indexes]; [self maintainNonEmptySelection:[[indexes objectAtIndex:0] intValue] - 1]; [[self window] makeFirstResponder:self]; } }
(void)deleteForward: (id)sender { [[NSArray *indexes = [self selectedIndexes]; if ([indexes count] > 0 && self target] shouldRemoveItemsAtIndexes:indexes]) { [self removeItemsAtIndexes:indexes]; [self maintainNonEmptySelection:[[indexes objectAtIndex:0] intValue; self window] makeFirstResponder:self]; } }
(void)removeItemsAtIndexes: ([[NSArray *)indexes { if ([indexes count] == 0) { return; }
NSMutableIndexSet *indexSet = [NSMutableIndexSet indexSet];
NSEnumerator *e = [indexes objectEnumerator]; NSNumber *indexNumber; while ((indexNumber = [e nextObject])) { int index = [indexNumber intValue]; TigerCollectionViewItem *item = [items objectAtIndex:index]; [item removeFromSuperview]; [indexSet addIndex:index]; }
[items removeObjectsAtIndexes:indexSet];
(NSDragOperation)draggingEntered: (id
(void)draggingExited: (id
(BOOL)prepareForDragOperation: (id
if ([dragTypes containsObject:DRAG_ITEM_TYPE]) { acceptDrop = YES; } else if ([dragTypes containsObject:[[NSFilenamesPboardType]) { NSArray *filePaths = sender draggingPasteboard] propertyListForType:[[NSFilenamesPboardType]; acceptDrop = self target] dragOperationForFiles:filePaths] != [[NSDragOperationNone; }
if (!acceptDrop) { [self setDragTarget:nil draggingInfo:sender]; } return acceptDrop; }
(BOOL)performDragOperation: (id
NSArray *dragTypes = sender draggingPasteboard] types];
if ([dragTypes containsObject:DRAG_ITEM_TYPE]) {
[[NSArray *indexes = sender draggingPasteboard]
[[self target] dragItemsAtIndexes:indexes toIndex:destIndex];
} else if ([dragTypes containsObject:[[NSFilenamesPboardType]) {
NSArray *filePaths = sender draggingPasteboard]
self target] dragFiles:filePaths toIndex:destIndex];
return YES;
([[NSDragOperation)draggingUpdated: (id
NSDragOperation dragOperation = NSDragOperationNone; NSArray *dragTypes = sender draggingPasteboard] types]; if ([dragTypes containsObject:DRAG_ITEM_TYPE]) { dragOperation = [[NSDragOperationMove; } else if ([dragTypes containsObject:NSFilenamesPboardType]) { NSArray *filePaths = sender draggingPasteboard] propertyListForType:[[NSFilenamesPboardType]; dragOperation = self target] dragOperationForFiles:filePaths]; }
if (dragOperation == [[NSDragOperationNone) { [self setDragTarget:nil draggingInfo:sender]; } else { [self setDragTarget:targetView draggingInfo:sender]; } return dragOperation; }
(BOOL)wantsPeriodicDraggingUpdates { return NO; }
(NSDragOperation)draggingSourceOperationMaskForLocal: (BOOL)isLocal { if (isLocal) { return NSDragOperationMove; } else { return NSDragOperationLink; } }
(int)indexFromDragTarget: (NSView *)targetView
draggingInfo: (id
if (index != NSNotFound) { TigerCollectionViewItem *item = [items objectAtIndex:index]; NSPoint viewPos = [item convertPoint:[draggingInfo draggingLocation] fromView:nil]; NSRect bounds = [item bounds]; if (viewPos.y < bounds.size.height / 2.0) { index = fmin(index + 1, [items count]); } }
return index; }
(void)setDragTarget: (NSView *)targetView
draggingInfo: (id
(void)setIndex: (int)index isDragTarget: (BOOL)isDragTarget { if (index != NSNotFound) { DragTargetType dragTargetType = isDragTarget ? DragTargetType_Top : DragTargetType_None; int actualIndex = index; if (actualIndex == [items count]) { actualIndex = [items count] - 1; if (isDragTarget) { dragTargetType = DragTargetType_Bottom; } } items objectAtIndex:actualIndex] setDragTargetType:dragTargetType]; } }
(id<[[TigerCollectionViewTarget>)target { return target; }
(int)dragTargetIndex { int count = [items count]; int i; for (i = 0; i < count; i++) { TigerCollectionViewItem *item = [items objectAtIndex:i]; if ([item dragTargetType] == DragTargetType_Top) { return i; } else if ([item dragTargetType] == DragTargetType_Bottom) { return i + 1; } } return NSNotFound; }
(void)resizeWithOldSuperviewSize: (NSSize)oldBoundsSize { [super resizeWithOldSuperviewSize:oldBoundsSize]; [self performSelector:@selector(maximizeViewWidth:) withObject:nil afterDelay:0.10]; //[self maximizeViewWidth:nil]; }
(void)maximizeViewWidth: (id)sender { float width = [self enclosingScrollView] contentView] frame].size.width; [[NSRect myOldFrame = [self frame]; if (myOldFrame.size.width != width) { [self setFrameSize:NSMakeSize(width, myOldFrame.size.height)]; [self setNeedsDisplay:YES]; } }
(void)onKeyWindowChanged: (NSNotification *)notification { [self setNeedsDisplay:YES];
NSEnumerator *e = [items objectEnumerator]; TigerCollectionViewItem *item; while ((item = [e nextObject])) { [item updateHighlightState]; } }
(void)testSelectionChanged: (NSArray *)oldSelection { BOOL didChange = NO; if (!oldSelection) { didChange = YES; } else { NSArray *newSelection = [self selectedIndexes]; didChange = ![oldSelection isEqualToArray:newSelection]; }
if (didChange) { self target] onSelectionDidChange]; } }
([[NSArray *)filePathsForIndexes: (NSArray *)indexes { NSMutableArray *filePaths = [NSMutableArray array];
NSEnumerator *e = [indexes objectEnumerator]; NSNumber *indexNumber; while ((indexNumber = [e nextObject])) { NSString *filePath = self target] filePathForIndex:[indexNumber intValue; if (filePath) { [filePaths addObject:filePath]; } } return filePaths; }
@end // TigerCollectionView (Private)
@implementation TigerCollectionViewItem
(void)dealloc { [cachedTextColors release]; cachedTextColors = nil; [super dealloc]; }
(void)awakeFromNib { [self setNextResponder:[self superview]]; }
(void)drawRect: (NSRect)rect { [super drawRect:rect];
if ([self isSelected]) { if ([self shouldDrawSecondaryHighlight]) { [[NSColor grayColor] set]; } else { [[NSColor blueColor] set]; } NSRectFill(rect); }
if (dragTargetType != DragTargetType_None) { NSRect dRect = [self bounds]; if (dragTargetType == DragTargetType_Top) { dRect.origin.y = dRect.size.height - 2.0; } dRect.size.height = 2; [[NSColor blackColor] set]; NSRectFill(dRect); } }
@end // TigerCollectionViewItem
@implementation TigerCollectionViewItem (Private)
(NSMenu *)menuForEvent:(NSEvent *)event { if (![self isSelected]) { self collectionView] itemClicked:self event:event]; } return [[self superview] menuForEvent:event]; }
([[NSView *)hitTest: (NSPoint)point { NSView *result = [super hitTest:point]; if (result && ![result isKindOfClass:[NSButton class]]) { return self; } else { return result; } }
(void)mouseDown: (NSEvent *)event { if ([self isLeftClickEvent:event]) { mouseDownPos = [event locationInWindow]; } }
(void)mouseUp: (NSEvent *)event { if ([self isLeftClickEvent:event]) { self collectionView] itemClicked:self event:event]; } }
(void)mouseDragged: ([[NSEvent *)event { if ([self isLeftClickEvent:event]) { NSPoint mouseDragPos = [event locationInWindow]; float distance = PointDistance(mouseDragPos, mouseDownPos); if (distance > DRAG_START_DISTANCE) { self collectionView] startDrag:event withItem:self]; } } }
(BOOL)acceptsFirstResponder { return NO; }
(void)setIsSelected: (BOOL)flag { if (isSelected != flag) { isSelected = flag; [self updateHighlightState]; [self setNeedsDisplay:YES]; } }
(BOOL)isSelected { return isSelected; }
([[TigerCollectionView *)collectionView { ASSERT(self superview] isKindOfClass:[[[TigerCollectionView class]]); return (TigerCollectionView *)[self superview]; }
(BOOL)isLeftClickEvent: (NSEvent *)event { return [event buttonNumber] == 0 && ([event modifierFlags] & NSControlKeyMask) == 0; }
(void)setDragTargetType: (DragTargetType)type { if (dragTargetType != type) { dragTargetType = type; [self setNeedsDisplay:YES]; } }
(DragTargetType)dragTargetType { return dragTargetType; }
(void)updateHighlightState { BOOL isHighlighted = [self isSelected] && ![self shouldDrawSecondaryHighlight];
NSEnumerator *e = self subviews] objectEnumerator];
id subview;
while ((subview = [e nextObject])) {
if ([subview isKindOfClass:[[[NSTextField class]]) {
[self setHighlight:isHighlighted
forTextField:(NSTextField *)subview];
} else if ([subview respondsToSelector:@selector(setIsSelected:)]) {
[subview setIsSelected:isHighlighted];
(void)setHighlight: (BOOL)isHighlighted forTextField: (NSTextField *)textField { NSNumber *key = [NSNumber numberWithInt:[textField hash]];
if (!cachedTextColors) { cachedTextColors = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init]; }
if (isHighlighted) { if (![cachedTextColors objectForKey:key]) { [cachedTextColors setObject:[textField textColor] forKey:key]; [textField setTextColor:[NSColor whiteColor]]; } } else { if ([cachedTextColors objectForKey:key]) { [textField setTextColor:[cachedTextColors objectForKey:key]]; [cachedTextColors removeObjectForKey:key]; } } }
(BOOL)shouldDrawSecondaryHighlight { if (self window] isKeyWindow]) { return NO; } else { return YES; } }
@end // [[TigerCollectionViewItem (Private)