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I’ve got a basic NSTableView, but I want to add all the values of one column and put it in a text field. I’m stumped. Is there an easy way to do this?

-(IBAction)addButton:(id)sender { int i; int sum=0; for (i=0;i<[tableData count];i++) { sum+=[tableData objectAtIndex:i] objectForKey:@”keyForColumnYouWantToSum”] intValue]; } [whatEverOutletYouWantToDisplayYourResultTo setIntValue:sum]; }

Better yet

-(void)awakeFromNib { [tableView setAllowsColumnSelection:YES]; }

-([[IBAction)addButton:(id)sender { int i; int sum=0; int selectedColumn = [tableView selectedColumn]; id columns = [tableView tableColumns]; id columnSelected = nil; if ( selectedColumn > -1 ) columnSelected = [columns objectAtIndex:selectedColumn]; else return; id columnID = [columnSelected identifier]; for ( i=0 ; i<[tableData count] ; i++ ) { sum += [tableData objectAtIndex:i] objectForKey:columnID] intValue]; } [whatEverOutletYouWantToDisplayYourResultTo setIntValue:sum];


Seems to work fine except for one tiny error: it doesn’t return anything after the decimal place. So if I have 5, 6, and 1.5, it will return 12, not 12.5. Any ideas?

You are using float values. Just change the type for “sum” from “int” to type “float” and change the value that gets added to sum from intValue to floatValue.

-(void)awakeFromNib { [tableView setAllowsColumnSelection:YES]; }

-([[IBAction)addButton:(id)sender { int i; float sum=0; int selectedColumn = [tableView selectedColumn]; id columns = [tableView tableColumns]; id columnSelected = nil; if ( selectedColumn > -1 ) columnSelected = [columns objectAtIndex:selectedColumn]; else return; id columnID = [columnSelected identifier]; for ( i=0 ; i<[tableData count] ; i++ ) { sum += [tableData objectAtIndex:i] objectForKey:columnID] floatValue]; } [whatEverOutletYouWantToDisplayYourResultTo setFloatValue:sum];


or for the simple case:

-([[IBAction)addButton:(id)sender { int i; float sum=0; for (i=0;i<[tableData count];i++) { sum+=[tableData objectAtIndex:i] objectForKey:@”keyForColumnYouWantToSum”] floatValue]; } [whatEverOutletYouWantToDisplayYourResultTo setFloatValue:sum]; }

I am a beginner. I tried implementing something like this in my code with no success. I linked my [[NSTextField with myDataSource Object that uses NSTextField. I also linked the Add button to the addButton function. No success. can someone explain the variables above? For example, in myDadSource file I have declared NSMutableArray * items in the header and a pointer to my object that handles all the data inside my textView as table. When I insert these pointers into the code above I get

-(void)awakeFromNib { [table setAllowsColumnSelection:YES]; }

-(IBAction)addButton:(id)sender { int i; float sum=0; int selectedColumn = [table selectedColumn]; id columns = [table tableColumns]; id columnSelected = nil; if ( selectedColumn > -1 ) columnSelected = [columns objectAtIndex:selectedColumn]; else return; id columnID = [columnSelected identifier]; for ( i=0 ; i<[items count] ; i++ ) { sum += [items objectAtIndex:i] objectForKey:columnID] floatValue]; } [addField setFloatValue:sum];


When I do this and compile my application, Nothing happens to my [[NSTextField. What am I missing. Really frustrating you know!

I figured out my problem. it seams within the for loop whenever I wanted to use “objectForKey:columnID” I always got selector not recognized. When I changed it to “valueForKey” it summed up in my NSTextField! Sweet!