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Some sample code for displaying a simple sheet with OK/Cancel buttons on it:

theSheet is an outlet connected to the sheet, which is an NSPanel in InterfaceBuilder.

-acceptSheet and -cancelSheet are actions that can be connected, for example, to OK/Cancel buttons on the sheet using InterfaceBuilder.

Upon return from runModalForWindow, the variable modalVal will contain either 0 or 1, depending on whether the sheet was canceled or accepted, respectively.

From: Seth Willits

Since sheets that are modal for the entire application are big no-no’s, use this method which presents the sheet modal only to the window it is attached to.

From: Alex Karahalios

Subject: Re: Use of NSSavePanel (or Open)
@interface ModalSavePanel : NSSavePanel

@implementation ModalSavePanel

From: The DJ

Subject: Use of a sheet (Java solution)

Just for the record of the mailinglist, in Cocoa/Java the use of a sheet is as followed: public void openMenu(NSMenuItem sender) { op = new NSOpenPanel(); op.setAllowsMultipleSelection(false); op.setCanChooseDirectories(false); op.setCanChooseFiles(true); op.beginSheetForDirectory(directory, filename,null,window,this, new NSSelector(“done”,new Class[] { NSOpenPanel.class, int.class}), null); }

public void done(NSOpenPanel sheet, int returnCode){
        if (returnCode == NSAlertPanel.DefaultReturn) {
            open_file = sheet.filename();

From: MattRidley

Subject: simpler way to get an OK/Cancel sheet, without using Interface Builder

You can just use the NSBeginAlertSheet() function, documented in the Functions section of the AppKit documentation.

Note that myWindow is an outlet connected to the window you want the alert sheet to display over (roll out from).

When I try to use the code above, it works fine – except that I get an alert window displayed instead of a slide down sheet… Ideas what I am doing wrong???

You should never use modal sheets…whats the use?


Are you not understanding the distinction between application modal and window modal ? Sheets exist for two purposes: 1) Identify which window is affected by the message on the sheet. 2) Operate modally for the affected window and not interfere with any other windows. —- —-

When should I display my sheet so that it runs after startup of the app? Right? now I have it in (void)windowDidBecomeKey: and have it set up to only run the shhet once (using a boolean to see if it has run before), but the sheet still isn’t in focus. I need to click on the text field.

how about applicationDidFinishLaunching or windowControllerDidLoadNib

– SamGoldman

For complete example code that displays a sheet once when a document is open and also supports nice application quit behavior: See —- You could always use awakeFromNib, and then you can get rid of your flag.

awakeFromNib is ok for most situations but if you’re not careful/cluefull you could give yourself a headache. I like applicationDidFinishLaunching - you want it shown when the app finishes launching…very logical.

From: Steve Christensen <punster=at=mac=dot=com> Subject: Re: Use of NSSavePanel (or Open)

I tried Alex Karahalios’ code above and found that it didn’t didn’t clean up correctly. Here’s my version, done as a category on NSSavePanel:

@interface NSSavePanel(ModalSheets)


@implementation NSSavePanel(ModalSheets)



That’s a mighty weird bug… I’d double check that the English and Spanish/French nibs are wired up the same way with the same properties - maybe go so far as to recreate the other nibs from the English.