Here’s a simple drag and drop example for filenames dragged from the finder –zootbobbalu
#import <AppKit/AppKit.h>
@interface TestDragAndDropView : NSView { NSColor *backgroundColor, *blueColor, *greenColor; }
#import “TestDragAndDropView.h”
@implementation TestDragAndDropView
(id)initWithFrame:(NSRect)frame { self = [super initWithFrame:frame]; if (self) { NSArray *draggedTypeArray = [NSArray arrayWithObjects:NSFilenamesPboardType, nil]; [self registerForDraggedTypes:draggedTypeArray];
Since I'm not aware of any documentation explicitly telling
you not to retain preset colors, I'm going to retain them
blueColor = backgroundColor = [[NSColor blueColor] retain];
greenColor = [[NSColor greenColor] retain]; } return self; }
(void)dealloc { [blueColor release]; blueColor = nil; [greenColor release]; greenColor = nil;
[super dealloc]; }
(void)drawRect:(NSRect)rect { [backgroundColor set]; NSRectFill([self visibleRect]); }
Decide here if you accept the filenames that are dragged into the view.
If you do accept the dragged filenames then set dragOperation to
dragOperation = NSDragOperationCopy;
Here is where you can give some user feedback if the filenames
are valid files (e.g. change a boarder color or the background color of the view)
NSEnumerator *filenameEnum = [filenames objectEnumerator];
NSString *filename;
dragOperation = NSDragOperationCopy;
while (filename = [filenameEnum nextObject]) {
if (![supportedFiletypes containsObject:[filename pathExtension]]) {
dragOperation = NSDragOperationNone;
if (dragOperation == NSDragOperationCopy) backgroundColor = greenColor; } [self setNeedsDisplay:YES]; return dragOperation; }
Do something here with filenames and
decide if a dragging operation was actually performed.
If an operation was performed set didPerformDragOperation
to YES:
didPerformDragOperation = YES;
} backgroundColor = blueColor; [self setNeedsDisplay:YES]; return didPerformDragOperation; }
This method gives you the chance to change any state variables that
deal with dragAndDrop.
NSLog(@"concludeDragOperation:"); }