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I’m trying to add file dropping support to a custom NSImageView subclass.

-(void)awakeFromNib {
NSArray *draggedTypeArray = [NSArray arrayWithObjects:NSFilenamesPboardType, nil];
[self registerForDraggedTypes:draggedTypeArray]; }

But the above code does not change the cursor when dragging a file over the well (implying that it is not accepting the drag) - what am I doing wrong�?

You could try switching your draggedTypeArray to [NSImage imagePasteboardTypes]…

But I need to support file drops.

I meant in addition…so I should have said something like [[NSImage imagePasteboardTypes] arrayByAddingObject:NSFilenamesPboardType]; (sorry). It’s also possible that the file is automatically converted, but now that I think about it…no, probably not. However, there are other NSDraggingDestination methods you should probably implement; perhaps draggingUpdated: could help you here.

Sending your image view subclass a setEditable:YES message should be enough for it to accept drops: (edit: accept and set its image to the dropped image, that is)

[imageView setEditable:YES]


Here’s a full thing. Addition of delegate methods is left to the reader as an exercise :)

// // FileDropView.h // Packager // // Created by Seth Willits on 5/24/05. // Copyright 2005 Freak Software. All rights reserved. //

#import <Cocoa/Cocoa.h>

@interface FileDropView : NSImageView { IBOutlet id delegate; BOOL highlight; NSString * mFilePath; }


// // FileDropView.m // Packager // // Created by Seth Willits on 5/24/05. // Copyright 2005 Freak Software. All rights reserved. //

#import “FileDropView.h”

@implementation FileDropView

/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Draw method is overridden to do drop highlighing ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////


– Seth Willits

DroppingScreamingChildIntoWell … If someone fills in this stub, I’ll toss *them into a well.*