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How can I set the finder flag for a file to invisible (in case some one has the unfortunate need to boot into os 9) in a cocoa application? Thanks!

Same way you do it in a carbon application. —- Yea, I don’t know how to do it there either :) —-

Well I havent given up on this and KengoTsuruzono was kind enough to give me the following code which I have found to only work on files. I tried yanking some code from an apple sample code application too but I got the same file not found error. I am totally lost, and wishing I knew carbon. I spent several hours reading through and trying various Carbon API’s to no avail. Any way here is that code I was talking about:

#import <Cocoa/Cocoa.h> #import <Carbon/Carbon.h>

OSErr FilePathToFSSpec( NSString* asFilePath, FSSpec* apSpec ) {

CFURLRef cfUrl = CFURLCreateWithFileSystemPath( kCFAllocatorDefault, (CFStringRef) asFilePath, kCFURLPOSIXPathStyle, false ); FSRef fileRef; OSErr err = noErr;

if ( CFURLGetFSRef( cfUrl, &fileRef ) ) { err = FSGetCatalogInfo( &fileRef, kFSCatInfoNone, NULL, NULL, apSpec, NULL );

 if ( err ) return( err );    }

CFRelease( cfUrl ); return( err );


OSErr SetFileVisibility( NSString* asFilePath, BOOL abIsVisible ) {

FSSpec  spec;
FInfo   fInfo;
OSErr   err;
///// Get FSSpec

err = FilePathToFSSpec( asFilePath, &spec );
///// Get Finder Info

err = FSpGetFInfo( &spec, &fInfo );
///// Change Finder Info

fInfo.fdFlags |= kIsInvisible;
if ( abIsVisible ) fInfo.fdFlags -= kIsInvisible;

///// Set Finder Info

err = FSpSetFInfo( &spec, &fInfo );

return( err ); }

int main(int argc, const char *argv[]) {

NSAutoreleasePool *arp = [ [ NSAutoreleasePool alloc ] init ];
SetFileVisibility( @"/Users/xxx/filePath", YES );
[ arp release ];

return 0; }

I think the reason you can only do it to a file is in how the FSSpec is obtained, I know the awseome IconFamily class can get the proper references to a folder, perhaps checking their will be useful.

Here’s an additional routine which gets the file visibility. – Seth

OSErr GetFileVisibility(NSString* asFilePath, BOOL * isVisible) { FSSpec spec; FInfo fInfo; OSErr err;

///// Get FSSpec
err = FilePathToFSSpec( asFilePath, &spec );

///// Get Finder Info
err = FSpGetFInfo(&spec, &fInfo);

///// Change Finder Info
if (fInfo.fdFlags & kIsInvisible)
	*isVisible = NO;
	*isVisible = YES;

return(err); }

Additionally, you may wish to test against the filename having ‘.’ as the first character, though this isn’t Finder-specific. isVisible = ([asFilePath characterAtIndex:0] != ‘.’); —- To be complete, you should also check if the file is listed in /.hidden.


Just had to do something similar myself. Here is some 10.X compatible code that will make files hidden or visible and will tell you if a file is visible or hidden. (note: I say 10.x as thats what all documentation says (10.0 and up) but I have only tested on 10.4)

typedef enum { HIDDEN, VISIBLE, UNKNOWN } Visibility;

-(bool)setFile:(NSString)filepath visibility:(Visibility)visibility; { if(visibility == UNKNOWN) return NO; FSRef pathRef; FSCatalogInfo catalogInfo; if(FSPathMakeRef((const UInt8)[filepath UTF8String], &pathRef, NULL) != 0) {return NO;} if(FSGetCatalogInfo(&pathRef, kFSCatInfoFinderInfo, &catalogInfo, NULL, NULL, NULL) != 0) {return NO;}

// Set the flag based on user input
FileInfo *fileInfo = (FileInfo*)&catalogInfo.finderInfo;
if(visibility == VISIBLE && (kIsInvisible & fileInfo->finderFlags) == kIsInvisible) { fileInfo->finderFlags = (kIsInvisible ^ fileInfo->finderFlags); }
else if(visibility == HIDDEN) { fileInfo->finderFlags = (kIsInvisible | fileInfo->finderFlags); }

if(FSSetCatalogInfo (&pathRef, kFSCatInfoFinderInfo, &catalogInfo) != 0) { return NO; }
return YES; } -(Visibility)fileVisibility:(NSString*)filepath; {
FSRef pathRef;
FSCatalogInfo catalogInfo;
if(FSPathMakeRef((const UInt8*)[filepath UTF8String], &pathRef, NULL) != 0) {return UNKNOWN;}
if(FSGetCatalogInfo(&pathRef, kFSCatInfoFinderInfo, &catalogInfo, NULL, NULL, NULL) != 0) {return UNKNOWN;} 	
FileInfo *fileInfo = (FileInfo*)&catalogInfo.finderInfo;
if((kIsInvisible & fileInfo->finderFlags) == kIsInvisible) {return HIDDEN;}
return VISIBLE; }