Web sites containing tips and tricks for the Mac:
Some particularly valuable tips and tricks are below. Note, please provide a link to the original page if there is one. If the tip is already covered on a site listed above, consider simply not posting it. If the tip is covered on a site that’s not listed above, consider listing that site instead of posting the tip here. CocoaDev is not a general Mac tips site, although we are all Mac users and can benefit from them.
*Finder Tips And Tricks
Some applications distributed on disk images have all their supporting items (read me docs, website links, and so on) inside the app bundle, accessible from the app’s Help menu, which is good. But some still put them loose in the window next to the app icon, whether they need to or not. When copying the app to your hard drive, there’s no need to create a new folder and drag the items over, you can simply control-click on the mounted disk image and choose Copy from the context menu, then control-click on the desktop (or in whatever folder you want to keep it) and choose Paste Item. A folder will be created with all the contents of the disk image.
Just copy it like any old folder: option-drag. You can’t put it on the desktop like that, can you? Indeed, you can…
*Terminal Tips And Tricks
Dragging a folder onto the Terminal icon on the Dock while holding Command-Option will open a new Terminal window with that folder as the current directory. Dragging any file or folder into an open Terminal window will append the path to that file, properly escaped, to the current command.
I trashed the discussion, reorganized the page as I proposed, and added your links to the top. I hope everybody finds the change to be a good one.