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I am trying to write a Cocoa app that works with a USB device.

I am using the Apple sample code as a guide but it is code for a FOUNDATION tool - NOT a Cocoa app.

Here are the steps that I am doing:

1) I call IONotificationPortCreate - to create a notification object 2) I call IONotificationPortGetRunLoopSource- to get the runloop source of the object from step 1 3) call CFRunLoopAddSource with CFRunLoopGetCurrent as a parameter - to add the source to my runloop 4) I create a matching dictionary that matches my USB device - I tested this function and it DEFINTELY matches my USB device 5) I call IOServiceAddMatchingNotification - it returns err_none

Then my app never gets ANY notifications of USB device removal or attachment.

I even tried adding in a call to CFRunLoopRun like the Apple sample code does but my app just hung.

Has anyone got IOServiceAddMatchingNotification working from a Cocoa app?

I have this working on my cocoa app, watching for serial ports:

// related instance variables:
IONotificationPortRef   nport;
io_iterator_t           serialPortIterator;


void serial_port_added (id self, io_iterator_t iter) { io_registry_entry_t serialPort; while (serialPort = IOIteratorNext(iter)) { CFTypeRef path; path = IORegistryEntryCreateCFProperty(serialPort, CFSTR(kIODialinDeviceKey), kCFAllocatorDefault, 0); [self didAddSerialPort:[(NSString*)path lastPathComponent]]; CFRelease(path); IOObjectRelease(serialPort); } }

void serial_port_removed (id self, io_iterator_t iter) { io_registry_entry_t serialPort; while (serialPort = IOIteratorNext(iter)) { CFTypeRef path; path = IORegistryEntryCreateCFProperty(serialPort, CFSTR(kIODialinDeviceKey), kCFAllocatorDefault, 0); [self didRemoveSerialPort:[(NSString*)path lastPathComponent]]; CFRelease(path); IOObjectRelease(serialPort); } }