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Internet-enabled disk images are described at

Apple highly recommends that you use DMGs or ZIPs for distributing your apps, since Stuffit is no longer distributed with Mac OS X “out of the box”, but DMGs and ZIPs will work on a fresh install of the OS, with little to no user interaction, and they provide most of the features you need - background images, license agreement, etc.

Apple documentation on embedding SLA (SoftwareLicenseAgreement) in .dmg is out of date, since ResEdit is deprecated.

The following steps will produce the same result :

Create a Source.dmg and put the files in it. Unmount. hdiutil convert -format UDCO -o Release.dmg Source.dmg hdiutil unflatten Release.dmg Edit SLA.r file to your needs /Developer/Tools/Rez /Developer/Headers/FlatCarbon/*.r SLA.r -a -o Release.dmg hdiutil flatten Release.dmg hdiutil internet-enable -yes Release.dmg

To get a SLA.r file :

Get SLAResources in the SLA SDK on Apple Developer Connection : Developper/Tools/Derez SLAResources > SLA.r

or get a more readable one, with a MIT opensource license, here :