I am trying to create a dictionary-like, bindings enabled data structure. It has a custom to-many relationship key named “entries” which I implemented using this custom code:
(unsigned int) countOfEntries { return [val_entries count]; }
(LclEntry*) objectInEntriesAtIndex:(unsigned int) idx { return [val_entries objectAtIndex:idx]; }
(void) insertObject:(LclEntry*) entry inEntriesAtIndex:(unsigned int) idx { [entry assignEntrySet:self]; [val_entries insertObject:entry atIndex:idx]; [keys addObject:[entry key]]; }
(void) removeObjectInEntriesAtIndex:(unsigned int) idx { LclEntry* entry = [val_entries objectAtIndex:idx]; [entry assignEntrySet:nil]; [keys removeObject:[entry key]]; [val_entries removeObjectAtIndex:idx]; }
When I (or the bindings layer) try to invoke methods from the array of mutableArrayValueForKey:@”entries”, this exception is thrown:
Am I doing something wrong? – l0ne aka EmanueleVulcano