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I want to use the keychain to store and retrieve internet passwords. This is not the big problem, i.e. I use:

#include <Security/SecKeychain.h>

// store a password in the keychain OSStatus status = SecKeychainAddInternetPassword( NULL, // SecKeychainRef keychain, strlen(server), // UInt32 serverNameLength, server, // const char *serverName, 0, // UInt32 securityDomainLength, NULL, // const char *securityDomain, strlen(account), // UInt32 accountNameLength, account, // const char *accountName, strlen(path), // UInt32 pathLength, path, // const char *path, port, // UInt16 port, kSecProtocolTypeFTP, // SecProtocolType protocol, kSecAuthenticationTypeDefault, // SecAuthType authType, strlen(password), // UInt32 passwordLength, password, // const void *passwordData, &item // SecKeychainItemRef *itemRef );

// retrieve a password from the keychain OSStatus status = SecKeychainFindInternetPassword( NULL, // CFTypeRef keychainOrArray, strlen(server), // UInt32 serverNameLength, server, // const char *serverName, 0, // UInt32 securityDomainLength, NULL, // const char *securityDomain, strlen(account), // UInt32 accountNameLength, account, // const char *accountName, strlen(path), // UInt32 pathLength, path, // const char *path, port, // UInt16 port, kSecProtocolTypeFTP, // SecProtocolType protocol, kSecAuthenticationTypeDefault, // SecAuthType authType, &passwordLength, // UInt32 *passwordLength, &passwordBuf, // void **passwordData, &item // SecKeychainItemRef *itemRef );

The problem is, that in the keychain the entry is shown as the account name – and likewise, when my application request the password, the system tells me that my app wish to access , which is quite ambiguous.

I did find kSecLabelItemAttr in the “documentation”, which I assume can be used to set the label differently. But for SecKeychainItemModifyAttributesAndData() to work (which I assume is what I want, or perhaps SecKeychainItemModifyContent()) I need to set up attribute lists and such which I don’t really understand. Can anyone clarify the meaning of:

For the records, I do know the concept of attributes (and associated values), it is just the way they are used in the security framework which confuses me.

On a related note, both the Add and Find functions return a reference to a keychain item – is it my responsibility to release this somehow? and if not, for how long is the reference valid?

Also, what is the recommended behaviour if e.g. I request a password, am denied access, the user enters it (in my program): should I store this new password, cause then there will be two entries for the same server?

You might find the Carbon Keychain API is better for you, I don’t really know. I wonder if Apple will ever open up their Cocoa API (SecurityHICocoa.framework). – FinlayDobbie

I thought the above was the Carbon API?!?

Updated: With the release of Panther, there finally is some actual documentation on the concepts of the KeyChain:

This includes an example of how to construct a ‘custom’ entry, which is actually just a normal internet password, but with an extra attribute (being the label, which is what I wanted above), and there is also an example of how these attribute lists are constructed.

Also with Panther, it no longer uses ‘account’ as the name of the KeyChainItem, but for internet passwords it uses the server part of the URL (which makes more sense).

I think the above link is now:

On the little example page is says:

status = SecKeychainItemModifyAttributesAndData (
 itemRef,            // the item reference
 &attributes,        // no change to attributes
 passwordLength,     // length of password
 password            // pointer to password data

this is the problem I’m having, the attributes are not getting changed. The password changes fine, but I want to change the account info as well. I have almost copied the code from there verbatim so I know the attribute list is getting created correctly. I just can’t figure out how to get the attributes to change. I know Obj-C pretty well but am still a bit shaky on C so my problem may be there. Any ideas?

I can not give you any advice on the attributes, but when I call:

err = SecKeychainItemModifyAttributesAndData(item, nil, strlen(passwordUTF8), &passwordUTF8);

the password is garbled afterwards. Any idea why that happens?



Alex, try dropping the & from passwordUTF8 - it looks like you’re passing a pointer to the c-string, instead of the c-string itself.

SecKeychainItemModifyAttributesAndData should be SecKeychainItemModifyContent

Cheers, Brian Amerige.

It’s better to use SecKeychainItemModifyAttributesAndData as it’s the newer function and hadles more attributes. Not a problem for modifing the data but might as well stick to the lastest APIs.

If you need to use attributes from the keychain, read “Re:Creating a SecKeychainAttributeList” at (apple-cdsa) post by AaronHillegass. It seems a lot easier to use the function to create “all” attributes for the class rather than try to create a specific Info struct manually.