Is it possible to locate the download folder in Cocoa (and/or Carbon) without having to delve in InternetConfig? None of the usual candidates (NSSearchPathForDirectoriesInDomains, FSFindFolder) do this, and InternetConfig makes it a pain by requiring me to use FSSpec – a type that was marked as deprecated in the PowerPC -> IntelCore transition, thus making me worry about the portability of my code. What should I do? – EmanueleVulcano aka l0ne
The download folder is stored as data in a plist called The data is an alias to the folder. I realize this involves “devling into internet config”, but it works fine for me.
I meant “delving into InternetConfig” as in “having to use the very old, half-deprecated InternetConfig APIs”. Which I don’t have to, thanks to you :).
Anyway, it’s a NSDictionary plist with “Version X.X.X” [NSDictionary] > “ic-added” [NSDictionary] > “DownloadFolder” [NSDictionary] > “ic-data” [NSData], for everyone’s future reference, where X.X.X is 2.5.4 in my case (but might reasonably vary) and is the only item in the root NSDictionary.
Keyword for google: Safari
I’m concerned that the above solution reads the Internet Config plist directly. This seems a little fragile to me. I’ve written the code to load it from IC using the APIs. It isn’t pretty but it seems safer.
Getting the downloads folder using IC:
(NSString*)downloadsLocationFromIC { NSString * result = nil; ICInstance icInstance = {‘\0’};
if ( ICStart ( &icInstance, ‘????’ ) == noErr ) { OSStatus error = noErr; ICAttr attr = {‘\0’}; Handle downloadFolderDataSpec = NewHandle(0);
// Grab ICFileSpec data...
error = ICFindPrefHandle ( icInstance, kICDownloadFolder, &attr, downloadFolderDataSpec );
if ( error == noErr && downloadFolderDataSpec != NULL )
// How big is alias data?
long aliasSize = GetHandleSize(downloadFolderDataSpec) - sizeof(ICFileSpec) + sizeof(AliasRecord);
// Make new handle to hold just the alias data (not the ICFileSpec header).
AliasHandle aliasHandle = (AliasHandle)NewHandleClear(aliasSize);
if ( aliasHandle != NULL )
ICFileSpec ** fileSpec = (ICFileSpec**)downloadFolderDataSpec;
FSRef ref = {'\0'};
Boolean wasChanged = FALSE;
// Copy aliasrecord data into aliashandle
HLock( downloadFolderDataSpec );
HLock( (Handle)aliasHandle );
memcpy( *aliasHandle, &((**fileSpec).alias), aliasSize);
// Resolve and get path from URL....
if ( FSResolveAlias( NULL, aliasHandle, &ref, &wasChanged ) == noErr )
CFURLRef url = CFURLCreateFromFSRef( NULL, &ref );
if ( url != NULL )
result = [((NSURL*)url) path];
CFRelease( url );
DisposeHandle( (Handle)aliasHandle );
DisposeHandle( downloadFolderDataSpec );
ICStop ( icInstance ); }
return( result ); }