@interface NSBezierPath (CocoaDevCategory)
@implementation NSBezierPath (CocoaDevCategory)
static NSPoint CubicBezierPathPointForPoints(NSPoint *p, float n) {
// basic cubic bezier path formula where m = 1.0f - n:
// B(n) = m^3 * P0 + 3.0f * m^2 * n * P1 + 3.0f * m * n^2 * P2 + n^3 * P3
float m = 1.0f - n;
float mSquared = m * m, nSquared = n * n;
float c0 = mSquared * m;
float c1 = 3.0f * mSquared * n;
float c2 = 3.0f * m * nSquared;
float c3 = nSquared * n;
return NSMakePoint( c0 * p[0].x + c1 * p[1].x + c2 * p[2].x + c3 * p[3].x,
c0 * p[0].y + c1 * p[1].y + c2 * p[2].y + c3 * p[3].y ); }
#define CubicBezierPathLengthApproximationMacro(c0, c1, c2, c3)
x = c0 * points[0].x + c1 * points[1].x + c2 * points[2].x + c3 * points[3].x;
y = c0 * points[0].y + c1 * points[1].y + c2 * points[2].y + c3 * points[3].y;
length += *gaps++ = hypotf(lastX - x, y - lastY);
lastX = x, lastY = y; *lengths++ = length;
// JaggedOvalCategory
static float CubicBezierPathGapAdjustment(float gap, float step, int *railCount, float *mod) {
if (gap > 0.0f) {
gap += *mod = step - fmodf(gap, step);
int count = (int)(gap / step);
if (gap - (float)count * step > step / 2.0f) count++;
*railCount += count;
} else
*mod = 0.0f;
return gap / 2.0f; }
(void)_joc_jaggedLineToPoint:(NSPoint)p teeth:(unsigned)teeth width:(float)width buffer:(NSPoint *)buf {
NSPoint points[4]; unsigned elementCount = [self elementCount]; if (elementCount) { [self elementAtIndex:elementCount - 1 associatedPoints:points]; float dx = p.x - points[0].x, dy = p.y - points[0].y; float stepX = dx / (float)teeth, stepY = dy / (float)teeth; float halfStepX = stepX / 2.0f, halfStepY = stepY / 2.0f; float length = hypotf(dx, dy); float normX = dy / length * width, normY = dx / length * width; NSPoint *pntPtr = buf; int cnt_down = teeth; while (cnt_down–) { *pntPtr++ = NSMakePoint(points[0].x + normX + halfStepX, points[0].y + normY + halfStepY); *pntPtr++ = points[0] = NSMakePoint(points[0].x + stepX, points[0].y + stepY); } [self appendBezierPathWithPoints:buf count:teeth « 1]; }
(NSBezierPath *)_joc_bezierPathWithJaggedRoundedRectInRect:(NSRect)r a:(float)a b:(float)b spacing:(float)spacing {
// Here’s the base method to create the jagged oval icons you see in iTunes when dragging // songs around. Use “bezierPathWithJaggedPillInRect:spacing:” for flat sides and // use “bezierPathWithJaggedOvalInRect:spacing:” for a jagged path that follows the // perimeter of an oval –zootbobbalu
// set the four control points of the curve that forms the first quadrant of the ellipse NSPoint points[4]; points[0].x = a, points[0].y = 0.0f; points[1].x = a, points[1].y = b - 0.446f * b; points[2].x = a - 0.446f * a, points[2].y = b; points[3].x = 0.0f; points[3].y = b;
// length estimates for 10 curve increments // gaps[] - the individual sublengths of 10 sections of the quadrant // lengths[] - the running length at the end of each segment // (e.g. if gaps[] = {1, 2, 3, 4…}, then lengths[] = {1, 3, 6, 10, …})
float *gaps, gapBuf[10], *lengths, lengthBuf[10]; float length = 0.0f; float x, y, lastX = points[0].x, lastY = points[0].y;
lengths = lengthBuf; gaps = gapBuf; CubicBezierPathLengthApproximationMacro(7.29e-01, 2.43e-01, 2.70e-02, 1.00e-03); CubicBezierPathLengthApproximationMacro(5.12e-01, 3.84e-01, 9.60e-02, 8.00e-03); CubicBezierPathLengthApproximationMacro(3.43e-01, 4.41e-01, 1.89e-01, 2.70e-02); CubicBezierPathLengthApproximationMacro(2.16e-01, 4.32e-01, 2.88e-01, 6.40e-02); CubicBezierPathLengthApproximationMacro(1.25e-01, 3.75e-01, 3.75e-01, 1.25e-01); CubicBezierPathLengthApproximationMacro(6.40e-02, 2.88e-01, 4.32e-01, 2.16e-01); CubicBezierPathLengthApproximationMacro(2.70e-02, 1.89e-01, 4.41e-01, 3.43e-01); CubicBezierPathLengthApproximationMacro(8.00e-03, 9.60e-02, 3.84e-01, 5.12e-01); CubicBezierPathLengthApproximationMacro(1.00e-03, 2.70e-02, 2.43e-01, 7.29e-01);
*lengths = length += *gaps = hypotf(lastX - points[3].x, points[3].y - lastY); lengths = lengthBuf; gaps = gapBuf;
// pointCount is the number of jagged points in a quadrant int pointCount = length / spacing; if (pointCount < 0.0f) pointCount = 1;
NSPoint lastTip = points[0]; float step = length / (float)pointCount; int cnt = pointCount, gapIndex = 0; float c = step, lastC = 0.0f, lastLength = 0.0f, lastN = 0.0f;
NSPoint center = NSMakePoint(NSMidX(r), NSMidY(r)); int hRailCount = 0, vRailCount = 0;
float vMod, hMod; float aOffset = CubicBezierPathGapAdjustment((NSWidth(r) / 2.0f - a) * 2.0f, step, &hRailCount, &hMod); float bOffset = CubicBezierPathGapAdjustment((NSHeight(r) / 2.0f - b) * 2.0f, step, &vRailCount, &vMod); if (vRailCount) vRailCount++;
float leftOffset = center.x - aOffset, rightOffset = center.x + aOffset; float upperOffset = center.y + bOffset, lowerOffset = center.y - bOffset;
int block = pointCount * 2; int buf_len = block * 4 + hRailCount * 2 + vRailCount * 2;
NSPoint *buf = malloc(buf_len * sizeof(NSPoint));
NSPoint *quad1 = buf; NSPoint *quad2 = buf + block; NSPoint *quad3 = quad2 + block; NSPoint *quad4 = quad3 + block; NSPoint *railPoints = quad4 + block; quad2 += block - 1, quad4 += block - 1;
NSBezierPath *path = [NSBezierPath bezierPath];
while (cnt–) { while (gapIndex < 10) { float len = lengths[gapIndex]; if (c < len || !cnt) { float n = (float)gapIndex + ((gapIndex) ? c - lengths[gapIndex - 1] : c) / gaps[gapIndex]; n *= 0.1f; NSPoint tip = (cnt) ? CubicBezierPathPointForPoints(points, n) : points[3]; float dx = tip.x - lastTip.x, dy = tip.y - lastTip.y; NSPoint pit = NSMakePoint(lastTip.x + dx / 2.0f - dy, lastTip.y + dy / 2.0f + dx);
*quad1++ = NSMakePoint(rightOffset + pit.x, upperOffset + pit.y);
*quad1++ = NSMakePoint(rightOffset + tip.x, upperOffset + tip.y);
*quad2-- = NSMakePoint(leftOffset - pit.x, upperOffset + pit.y);
*quad2-- = NSMakePoint(leftOffset - tip.x, upperOffset + tip.y);
*quad3++ = NSMakePoint(leftOffset - pit.x, lowerOffset - pit.y);
*quad3++ = NSMakePoint(leftOffset - tip.x, lowerOffset - tip.y);
*quad4-- = NSMakePoint(rightOffset + pit.x, lowerOffset - pit.y);
*quad4-- = NSMakePoint(rightOffset + tip.x, lowerOffset - tip.y);
lastLength = len, lastTip = tip, lastN = n;
} else
lastC = c;
c += step; }
int quarter = pointCount * 2; NSPoint *pntPtr = buf;
[path moveToPoint:pntPtr[0]]; // quad1 [path appendBezierPathWithPoints:&pntPtr[1] count:quarter - 1]; // top horizontal rail if (hRailCount) [path _joc_jaggedLineToPoint:pntPtr[quarter] teeth:hRailCount width:step buffer:railPoints]; // quad2 [path appendBezierPathWithPoints:pntPtr = &pntPtr[quarter] count:quarter]; // left vertical rail if (vRailCount) [path _joc_jaggedLineToPoint:pntPtr[quarter] teeth:vRailCount width:step buffer:railPoints]; else [path lineToPoint:NSMakePoint(NSMinX(r) - hMod / 2.0f, NSMidY(r))]; // quad3 [path appendBezierPathWithPoints:pntPtr = &pntPtr[quarter] count:quarter]; // bottom horizontal rail if (hRailCount) [path _joc_jaggedLineToPoint:pntPtr[quarter] teeth:hRailCount width:step buffer:railPoints]; // quad4 [path appendBezierPathWithPoints:pntPtr = &pntPtr[quarter] count:quarter]; // right vertical rail // NSMakePoint(NSMaxX(r) + hMod / 2.0f, NSMidY(r) + bOffset) NSPoint lastPoint = NSMakePoint(NSMaxX(r) + hMod / 2.0f, NSMidY(r) + bOffset); if (vRailCount) [path _joc_jaggedLineToPoint:buf[0] teeth:vRailCount width:step buffer:railPoints]; else [path lineToPoint:lastPoint];
free(buf); [path closePath];
return path;
static NSRect RectWithFlippedNegativeDimensions(NSRect r) { if (NSHeight(r) < 0.0f) { r.size.height = -r.size.height; r.origin.y -= r.size.height; } if (NSWidth(r) < 0.0f) { r.size.width = -r.size.width; r.origin.x -= r.size.width; } return r; }
(NSBezierPath *)bezierPathWithJaggedPillInRect:(NSRect)r spacing:(float)spacing {
r = RectWithFlippedNegativeDimensions(r); float a, b; a = b = (NSWidth(r) / NSHeight(r) > 1.0f) ? NSHeight(r) / 2.0f : NSWidth(r) / 2.0f; r = [self _joc_validRectWithRect:r a:&a b:&b spacing:&spacing]; if (spacing < 1.0f) return [NSBezierPath bezierPathWithRoundRectInRect:r radius:a]; return [self _joc_bezierPathWithJaggedRoundedRectInRect:r a:a b:b spacing:spacing];
(NSBezierPath *)bezierPathWithJaggedOvalInRect:(NSRect)r spacing:(float)spacing {
r = RectWithFlippedNegativeDimensions(r); if (NSWidth(r) < 4.0f || NSHeight(r) < 4.0f || spacing < 3.0f) goto ABORT; float a = NSWidth(r) / 2.0f, b = NSHeight(r) / 2.0f; r = [self _joc_validRectWithRect:r a:&a b:&b spacing:&spacing]; if (spacing < 2.0f) goto ABORT; return [self _joc_bezierPathWithJaggedRoundedRectInRect:r a:a b:b spacing:spacing];
ABORT:; return [NSBezierPath bezierPathWithOvalInRect:r];
(NSBezierPath *)bezierPathWithTriangleInRect:(NSRect)r edge:(NSRectEdge)edge { NSBezierPath *bp = [NSBezierPath bezierPath];
NSPoint points[3]; switch (edge) { case NSMinXEdge:; points[0] = NSMakePoint(NSMinX(r), NSMinY(r)); points[1] = NSMakePoint(points[0].x, NSMaxY(r)); points[2] = NSMakePoint(NSMaxX(r), NSMidY(r)); break; case NSMaxXEdge:; points[0] = NSMakePoint(NSMaxX(r), NSMinY(r)); points[1] = NSMakePoint(points[0].x, NSMaxY(r)); points[2] = NSMakePoint(NSMinX(r), NSMidY(r)); break; case NSMinYEdge:; points[0] = NSMakePoint(NSMinX(r), NSMinY(r)); points[1] = NSMakePoint(NSMaxX(r), points[0].y); points[2] = NSMakePoint(NSMidX(r), NSMaxY(r)); break; case NSMaxYEdge:; points[0] = NSMakePoint(NSMinX(r), NSMaxY(r)); points[1] = NSMakePoint(NSMaxX(r), points[0].y); points[2] = NSMakePoint(NSMidX(r), NSMinY(r)); break; default: break; } [bp moveToPoint:points[0]]; [bp appendBezierPathWithPoints:&points[1] count:2]; return bp; }
(NSBezierPath)bezierPathWithRoundRectInRect:(NSRect)aRect radius:(float)radius { NSBezierPath path = [self bezierPath]; radius = MIN(radius, 0.5f * MIN(NSWidth(aRect), NSHeight(aRect))); NSRect rect = NSInsetRect(aRect, radius, radius); [path appendBezierPathWithArcWithCenter:NSMakePoint(NSMinX(rect), NSMinY(rect)) radius:radius startAngle:180.0 endAngle:270.0]; [path appendBezierPathWithArcWithCenter:NSMakePoint(NSMaxX(rect), NSMinY(rect)) radius:radius startAngle:270.0 endAngle:360.0]; [path appendBezierPathWithArcWithCenter:NSMakePoint(NSMaxX(rect), NSMaxY(rect)) radius:radius startAngle: 0.0 endAngle: 90.0]; [path appendBezierPathWithArcWithCenter:NSMakePoint(NSMinX(rect), NSMaxY(rect)) radius:radius startAngle: 90.0 endAngle:180.0]; [path closePath]; return path; }
Very cool! It would be nice, though, to be able to http://goo.gl/Cx9sQ easily control the actual number of points as well as the depth. “Spacing” helps, but sometimes you want a star with long points and sometimes you want one with shallow points.