I’ve been trying to get this work for several days now and it becomes an headache for me…
I’ve created a NSArrayController that is responsible for a set of NSManagedObjects. One of the related entity property is a ‘category’ relationship. Another CategoryArrayController is then associated to that entity.
What I want to do is to manage Categories through a NSComboBox box. I’ve set bindings to :
content : CategoryArrayController.arrangedObjects
contentValues : CategoryArrayController.arrangedObjects.category
value : TransactionArrayController.selection.category
That works fine for programmatically added category value, that is I can select them through the NSComboBox. However, I cannot add a new category in the user interface. When I enter it, I get a message :
2005-11-28 11:44:10.198 test[426] ** -[NSCFString _isKindOfEntity:] selector not recognized [self = 0x3f7b90]*
Does anyone have a idea for that ?
Well, I assume that “category” is a to-one relationship to a “category” entity. contentValues (note the pluralization) should be pointing to a set (a to-many relationship) like “categories” … further, it should be pointed to a string value (because contentValues is alist of the strings that will be displayed to the user) … So it should be arrangedObjects.categories.categoryTitle or something similar.
… oops - let me amend my statement after looking more closely. Your CategoryArrayController controls your “categories” … so, assuming your category entity has a “categoryTitle” or similar string property, contentValues should be bound to arrangedObjects.categoryTitle. Sorry for any confusion caused by my quick answer.
I finally managed to do it. Here is the final mail I posted to the cocoa mailing list
So I’ve got the following model (credits to Wain ;) :
< Transaction > < category > «————> < Category > < category >
The NSCombobox ‘ bindings should be set to
content : CategoryArrayController.arrangedObjects
contentValues : CategoryArrayController.arrangedObjects.category
value : TransactionArrayController.selection.category.category
Indeed, value expects a NSString, to be printed in the text area of the NSCombobox.
Now, Coredata cannot automatically update the ‘category’ Relationship in the Transaction Entity, as the value in not a NSManagedObject.
So we must intercept the NSCombox Selection change, and code it ourselves. I did it with comboBoxSelectionDidChange: delegate method :
(void)comboBoxSelectionDidChange:(NSNotification *)notification
// User entered a known category name
NSEnumerator *e = categoryController arrangedObjects] objectEnumerator];
id categoryObject;
while ( (categoryObject = [e nextObject]) ) {
if ([[categoryObject valueForKey:@"category"] isEqualToString:[categoryComboBox objectValueOfSelectedItem)
unsigned int selectionIndex = [transactionArrayController selectionIndex];
NSManagedObject *transaction = transactionArrayController arrangedObjects] objectAtIndex:selectionIndex];
[transaction setValue:categoryObject forKey:@"category"];
} }
Ok, what about adding new category ? I had a little problem, because :
I had to do something “very early”, so I use the NSComboBox contr:isValidObject: delegate method (from NSControl).
(BOOL)control:(NSControl *)control isValidObject:(id)object { BOOL categoryIsOK = FALSE; NSManagedObject *category; NSString *categoryName = [NSString stringWithString:object]; [categoryName retain];
// User entered a known category name NSEnumerator *e = categoryController arrangedObjects] objectEnumerator]; id categoryObject;
while ( (categoryObject = [e nextObject]) ) { if ([[categoryObject valueForKey:@”category”] isEqualToString:categoryName]) { categoryIsOK = TRUE; category = categoryObject; break; } }
// Existing category not found, User is creating a new category if (categoryIsOK == FALSE) { [[NSManagedObjectContext *managedObjectContext = [self managedObjectContext];
category = [NSEntityDescription
insertNewObjectForEntityForName:@"Category" inManagedObjectContext:managedObjectContext];
[category setValue:categoryName forKey:@"category"];
[categoryController addObject:category];
categoryIsOK = TRUE; }
unsigned int selectionIndex = [transactionArrayController selectionIndex];
NSManagedObject *transaction = [[transactionArrayController arrangedObjects] objectAtIndex:selectionIndex];
[transaction setValue:category forKey:@”category”];
return TRUE; }