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Hey, I use Objective-C++ a lot, and some of my C++ classes support archiving using C++ iostreams. Now, I am not a big fan of iostreams, but am a fan of reuse, so I needed a way to make the archivable classes usable with undo. Unfourtunately, the Cocoa undo system needs to retain a reference to it’s selector’s arguments, and that is not quite possible with C++ stream objects. At first I used temporary files, and passed an NSString of the path to the undo facility, but this quickly became convoluted and difficult to maintain. So I wrote this custom object to stream to and from an NSMutableData object. I don’t exactly know how to test iostreams, as they behave very oddly, and I am not an well versed in them. But I did do some tests by replacing the stream object with various ‘tested and robust’ stream classes (mostly fstream) and they behaved equally retarded. This code is preliminary, and I would like to add read-only (istream) version that accepts the non-mutable NSData class. -JeremyJurksztowicz

IMPORTANT> after streaming all of your data into an NSDataStream remember to call flush() or the data object will be incomplete.

#include #include #include #include

#import <Foundation/Foundation.h> //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // This class prevents serious compiler (linker, assembler…?) errors. // class NSDataWrapper { NSMutableData * _data; public: NSDataWrapper(NSMutableData * data): _data([data retain]) { } ~NSDataWrapper( ) { [_data release]; }

void read (unsigned char * buf, unsigned pos, unsigned amt)
	[_data getBytes:reinterpret_cast<void*>(buf) range:NSMakeRange(pos, amt)];

void write (unsigned char * buf, unsigned amt) 
	[_data appendBytes:reinterpret_cast<void*>(buf) length:amt];

unsigned byteCount ( ) const
	return [_data length];
} }; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// template <class charT, class traits = std::char_traits<charT> > class NSDataStreamBuffer : public std::basic_streambuf<charT, traits> {
typedef std::basic_streambuf<charT, traits> sbuftype;
typedef typename sbuftype::int_type         int_type;
typedef charT                               char_type;

public: explicit NSDataStreamBuffer(NSMutableData * data, std::streamsize bufsize = 512): _nsdata (data), _inbuf (NULL), _outbuf (NULL), _ownsBuffers(false), _readPos (0), _bufsize (bufsize), _remained (0) { }


		delete [] _inbuf;
		delete [] _outbuf;

protected: sbuftype * setbuf(char_type *s, std::streamsize n) { if(!this->gptr()) { if(_ownsBuffers) { delete _inbuf; _inbuf = 0; delete _outbuf; _outbuf = 0; } setg(s, s + n, s + n); setp(s, s + n); _inbuf = s; _outbuf = s; _bufsize = n; _ownsBuffers = false; } return this; }

void _flush()
	_nsdata.write(reinterpret_cast<unsigned char*>(_outbuf), 
		(this->pptr() - _outbuf) * sizeof(char_type));

int_type overflow(int_type c = traits::eof())
		_outbuf = new char_type[_bufsize];
		_ownsBuffers = true;
	else _flush();
	setp(_outbuf, _outbuf + _bufsize);
	if(c != traits::eof())
	return 0;

int sync()
	setp(_outbuf, _outbuf + _bufsize);
	return 0;

int_type underflow()
		_inbuf = new char_type[_bufsize];
		_ownsBuffers = true;

	if(_remained != 0)
		_inbuf[0] = _remainedchar;

	unsigned bufLeft = _bufsize * sizeof(char_type) - _remained;
	unsigned datLeft = _nsdata.byteCount() - _readPos;
	unsigned readn = MIN(bufLeft, datLeft);
	if(readn == 0)
		return traits::eof();<unsigned char*>(_inbuf + _remained), _readPos, readn);

	_readPos += readn;
	size_t totalbytes = readn + _remained;
	setg(_inbuf, _inbuf, _inbuf + totalbytes / sizeof(char_type));

	_remained = totalbytes % sizeof(char_type);
	if(_remained != 0)
		_remainedchar = _inbuf[totalbytes / sizeof(char_type)];

	return this->sgetc();

private: NSDataStreamBuffer(NSDataStreamBuffer const&); NSDataStreamBuffer& operator=(NSDataStreamBuffer const&);

NSDataWrapper _nsdata;
char_type * _inbuf;
char_type * _outbuf;
bool _ownsBuffers;
std::streamsize _bufsize;

size_t _readPos;
size_t _remained;
char_type _remainedchar; }; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// template <class charT, class traits = std::char_traits<charT> > class NSDataGenericStream :
public std::basic_iostream<charT, traits>,
private NSDataStreamBuffer<charT, traits> { public:
explicit NSDataGenericStream(NSMutableData * data): 
	std::basic_iostream<charT, traits>(this),
	NSDataStreamBuffer<charT, traits>(data)
{ }

private: NSDataGenericStream(NSDataGenericStream const&); NSDataGenericStream& operator=(NSDataGenericStream const&); }; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// typedef NSDataGenericStream NSDataStream;