As a (small) return to the community, here’s a category that adds bzip2 compression to NSData. It requires adding libbz2.a to the project and uses Objective-C’s modern exception style.
I’ll be adding an NSValueTransformer soon. Done. See BzipValueTransformer � BryanWoods
// NSData+Bzip2.h @interface NSData (Bzip2)
// NSData+Bzip2.m #import “NSData+Bzip2.h” #import “bzlib.h”
@implementation NSData (Bzip2)
(NSData *) bzip2WithCompressionSetting:(int)compression { int bzret, buffer_size = 1000000; bz_stream stream = { 0 }; stream.next_in = [self bytes]; stream.avail_in = [self length];
NSMutableData * buffer = [NSMutableData dataWithLength:buffer_size]; stream.next_out = [buffer mutableBytes]; stream.avail_out = buffer_size;
NSMutableData * compressed = [NSMutableData data];
BZ2_bzCompressInit(&stream, compression, 0, 0); @try { do { bzret = BZ2_bzCompress(&stream, (stream.avail_in) ? BZ_RUN : BZ_FINISH); if (bzret != BZ_RUN_OK && bzret != BZ_STREAM_END) @throw [NSException exceptionWithName:@”bzip2” reason:@”BZ2_bzCompress failed” userInfo:nil];
[compressed appendBytes:[buffer bytes] length:(buffer_size - stream.avail_out)];
stream.next_out = [buffer mutableBytes];
stream.avail_out = buffer_size;
} while(bzret != BZ_STREAM_END); } @finally {
BZ2_bzCompressEnd(&stream); }
return compressed; }
(NSData *) bunzip2 { int bzret; bz_stream stream = { 0 }; stream.next_in = [self bytes]; stream.avail_in = [self length];
const int buffer_size = 10000; NSMutableData * buffer = [NSMutableData dataWithLength:buffer_size]; stream.next_out = [buffer mutableBytes]; stream.avail_out = buffer_size;
NSMutableData * decompressed = [NSMutableData data];
BZ2_bzDecompressInit(&stream, 0, NO); @try { do { bzret = BZ2_bzDecompress(&stream); if (bzret != BZ_OK && bzret != BZ_STREAM_END) @throw [NSException exceptionWithName:@”bzip2” reason:@”BZ2_bzDecompress failed” userInfo:nil];
[decompressed appendBytes:[buffer bytes] length:(buffer_size - stream.avail_out)];
stream.next_out = [buffer mutableBytes];
stream.avail_out = buffer_size;
} while(bzret != BZ_STREAM_END); } @finally {
BZ2_bzDecompressEnd(&stream); }
return decompressed; } @end