Hi I need multiple windows in my application. The first one I would like it to be a regular NSWindow. When a button is hit, pop up another window, which should be NSDocment windows.
Anyone knows how to have a NSWindow pop out BEFORE an NSDocumentWindow is load up? For this application, is it neccessary to be a Document-based applications?(or I can just use a NSDocument subclass?)
Thanks for help, newToCocoa
What does this have to do with NSData?
Sorry, I admit that I am kind of confusing after read the book of “ Learning Cocoa with Objective-C”. I exercised through building up 2 windows(actually one window and an info. panel) and made them all work. But I still could not figure out how to “create a window in the mainmenu.nib file that is set to view on launch and supress document creation at startup”. Could you please kindly explain to me?
Many thanks, newToCocoa
ps. I should of change the title of this discussing. I was thinking of using NSData later on in order to analysis files. Sorry .
Create a new Document based application.
Open MainMenu.nib, add a window and click visible on launch in the inspector.
Add this function to the application delagate:
-(BOOL)applicationShouldOpenUntitledFile:(NSApplication *)sender {
return NO;
Perhaps that might help, but my original advice still stands.