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I am attempting to make little cocoa applications to learn some basics. Currently I am having issues getting an NSMutableArray to recieve the list of directory items from NSFileManager.

Here is my code.

This works if I un-comment the [itemsInPathToOpen addObject:@”path”]; so my error lies in how I am attempting to fill up my itemsInPathToOpen array from NSFileManager ‘manager’ instance?

Any help? This has been eluding me all day. Thanks.

This looks like it should work, but try switching the following pieces of code:

// Your code NSMutableArray *itemsInPathToOpen = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init]; [itemsInPathToOpen setArray: [manager directoryContentsAtPath:pathToOpenString]];

// New code NSMutableArray *itemsInPathToOpen = [[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithArray:[manager directoryContentsAtPath:pathToOpenString]];

// Other code that might work: NSMutableArray *itemsInPathToOpen = manager directoryContentsAtPath:pathToOpenString] mutableCopy];

I don’t know exactly why it should make a difference, but you can try it. –[[JediKnil

Thanks, but neither seem to work. Im pretty confused by this, to be honest, which usually means Im misunderstanding something…

What is the output you are expecting? What do you get instead? – MikeAmy

Your code is wrong in many aspects:

a) you have a memory leak in itemsInPathToOpen, because you don’t release it

b) pathToOpenString contains wrong formated path, because it contains file:// at the beginning and %20 escapes instead of spaces

c) [itemsInPathToOpen setArray: [manager directoryContentsAtPath:pathToOpenString]]; returns 0 objects because of b)

d)for(i = 0; i <= pathcount; i++) should be for(i = 0; i < pathcount; i++), otherwise the loop goes one more time than needed

the correct code is:


BobC, thank you very much. Last night I noticed the memory leak and in the debugger that I was ‘off by one’, but my main issue was that I was feeding a ‘malformed’ path to NSFileManager. Thanks again! Im slowly learning all the class APIs and how to do things.. a lot to swallow. It seems using NSOpenPanel filenames method was the way to go. Thanks!

What about using NSDirectoryEnumerator?