How do I implement dragging in an NSOutlineView? More specifically, if I know what rows (and/or parents) are selected how do I drop them without screwing up the indexes?
I’m using something like this right now to:
see what rows are highlighted
see if the parent is highlighted (thus making all the children highlighted as well)
if the child is alone (parent not highlighted), make it a parent
else put the parent in the array and the children should follow (I think)
store the new parents and children in _draggedObjects
and remember the old indexes with _oldRows
(btw, this is only for a one level hierarchy at the moment though feel free to explain in full)
(BOOL)outlineView:(NSOutlineView *)oView writeRows:(NSArray *)rows toPasteboard:(NSPasteboard *)pboard { [self setDragNodeArrayWithRows:rows];
[pboard declareTypes: [NSArray arrayWithObjects: QuestionDragType, nil] owner: self];
_oldRows = rows; }
(void)dragNodeArrayWithRows:(NSArray *)rows { int i;
Node *node; Node *parent;
for (i = [rows count]; i > 0; i–) {
node = [outlineView itemAtRow:rows objectAtIndex: i] intValue;
if (parent = [node parent]) { // check to see if we're dealing with a root
if ([outlineView isRowSelected:[outlineView rowForItem: parent]]) { // check to see if the parent is highlighted
[_draggedObjects addObject: parent]; // if so, just add the parent
} else {
[node setParent:nil]; // make it a parent
[_draggedObjects addObject: node]; // else, if the child is alone, just add it
} } }
I guess this is more of a combination question rather… just: Is what I’m doing now correct, and how can I manage the method:
(BOOL)outlineView:(NSOutlineView *)oView
NSArray* draggedItems = …; NSArray* insertionArray = …; // destination array int insertAtIndex = …; // where the user dropped the items
All we need to do is to adjust insertAtIndex to correspond to the index after removing the draggedItems – that is, every item in draggedItems which is also before insertAtIndex, should move insertAtIndex one back.
This can be expressed like this:
NSMutableSet* dragSet = [NSMutableSet setWithArray:draggedItems]; NSArray* before = [insertionArray subarrayWithRange:NSMakeRange(0, insertAtIndex)]; [dragSet intersectSet:[NSSet setWithArray:before]]; insertAtIndex -= [dragSet count];
Alternatively one could use node-coloring (tagging), similar to what is discussed in NSOutlineViewRemoveItem.
Alright, I’ll try it later. Thanks.
Anyone using this page to get started on implementing this should look out - the above code contains an incorrectly named method. It should be:
I fell foul of this since the Xcode documentation at first appears to lack these delegate methods and so I cut and pasted the code above as a starting point. The Apple sample code is however correct. The info is in the Xcode docs - just not listed under the delegate methods for NSOutlineView - instead they can be found at NSOutlineViewDataSource protocol –GrahamCox