OK, I figured it out myself - it’s easy. All I had to do was to implement my own short modal tracking loop as long as I don’t see a mouseUp event. This loop keeps control until I stop dragging the guide. Here’s my code, based on the example in the cocoa docs “Handling Mouse Events in Views”:
(void) rulerView:(NSRulerView) aRulerView handleMouseDown:(NSEvent) theEvent { // this is our cue to create a new guide, if the drawing has a guide layer.
GCGuideLayer* gl = self drawing] guideLayer];
if ( gl ) { // add h or v guide depending on ruler orientation
[[NSPoint p = [self convertPoint:[theEvent locationInWindow] fromView:nil];
if ([aRulerView orientation] == NSVerticalRuler)
[gl createVerticalGuideAndBeginDraggingFromPoint:p];
[gl createHorizontalGuideAndBeginDraggingFromPoint:p];
[gl mouseDown:theEvent inView:self];
BOOL keepOn = YES;
while (keepOn)
theEvent = self window] nextEventMatchingMask: [[NSLeftMouseUpMask | NSLeftMouseDraggedMask];
switch ([theEvent type])
case NSLeftMouseDragged:
[gl mouseDragged:theEvent inView:self];
case NSLeftMouseUp:
[gl mouseUp:theEvent inView:self];
keepOn = NO;
/* Ignore any other kind of event. */
} } }