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I am having a really annoying problem with an NSTableView not responding to reloadData. I’m pretty new at Cocoa development, so bear with me.

So I stumbled across this article discussing binding array controllers to tableviews. I worked it into my application, and it worked fine. However, I have another part of my program that also enters data into the array so I formatted it like this:

Author *newAuth;
newAuth = Author alloc] init];
[[newAuth properties] setValue:@"first" forKey:@"firstname"];
[[newAuth properties] setValue:@"last" forKey:@"lastname"];
[_authors addObject:newAuth];

[newAuth release];
[authorsView reloadData];

Ok, so _authors is an array of Author and authorsView is an outlet to the [[NSTableView. All the code works fine, except [authorsView reloadData] does not refresh the tableview. The data only appears after I click on the table header (to sort). This is driving me crazy.

Also, and this may or may not be related, I noticed this in my inspector:

Notice the indexes of the 2 tableviews are (,) and ()… is this normal?

Thanks to anyone who can help me!

Hello. I’m not entirely sure what’s going on, but I suspect reloadData is only intended for use with table views that get their data from a dataSource. I think your problem is that you aren’t using indexed accessor methods. Try

Author *newAuth;
newAuth = Author alloc] init];
[[newAuth properties] setValue:@"first" forKey:@"firstname"];
[[newAuth properties] setValue:@"last" forKey:@"lastname"];
[self insertObject:newAuth inAuthorsAtIndex:*foo*];

[newAuth release];

and implement -[[[YourClass insertObject:inAuthorsAtIndex:]. You might want to go for -[YourClass countOfAuthors] while you’re at it, so you can use that where I wrote foo.

The issue is that [_authors addObject:] is to -[self insertObject:inAuthorsAtIndex:] as _authors = newArray is to [self setAuthors:newArray]. It goes behind the back of the bindings system, and objects which bind to _authors do not get properly notified.

Take a look at if you have not already. Mmalc covers this.

Unrelatedly, Apple reserves the underscore prefix for their own private variables. You want to do something different to avoid name collision.


That did it! Thanks a ton!