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Apple Toolbar Documentation

Toolbar Tutorials

Toolbar Sample Code

Toolbar How Tos

Additional Toolbar Resources

- (id)initWithIdentifier:(NSString *)identifier; The identifier is used to form the toolbar's autosave name.  Also, toolbars with the same identifier are implicitly synchronized so that they maintain the same state ----   
- (void)insertItemWithItemIdentifier:(NSString *)itemIdentifier atIndex:(int)index;
- (void)removeItemAtIndex:(int)index; Primitives for explicitly adding and removing items.  Any change made will be propogated immediately to all other toolbars with the same identifier. ----
- (void)setDelegate:(id)delegate;
- (id)delegate; Customizable toolbars must have a delegate, and must implement the required NSToolbar delegate methods. ----
- (void)setVisible:(BOOL)shown;
- (BOOL)isVisible; toggles the visibliity of the toolbar. ----
- (void)runCustomizationPalette:(id)sender;
- (BOOL)customizationPaletteIsRunning; Customizable toolbars (those with delegates) can show a palette which allows users to populate the toolbar with individual items or to reset the toolbar to some default set of items.  The items and item sets in the palette are specified by the delegate (-toolbarAllowedItemIdentifiers: and -toolbarDefaultItemIdenfiers:).  When the user is done configuring, they will dismiss the palette. ---- ---- **Toolbar Attributes**

- (void)setDisplayMode:(NSToolbarDisplayMode)displayMode; - (NSToolbarDisplayMode)displayMode; ----
- (void)setAllowsUserCustomization:(BOOL)allowCustomization; - (BOOL)allowsUserCustomization; This flag controls whether or not users can configure the toolbar by dragging items around, and whether or not the customization palette can be used.  The default value is NO, but can be changed at any time.  For instance, a developer may not want users to be able to edit the toolbar while some event is being processed. ---- ----       **Accessing toolbar info**

- (NSString *)identifier; All toolbars with the same name will share the same display attributes, and item order.  Also, if a toolbar autosaves its configuration, the item identifier will be used as the autosave name. ----
- (NSArray *)items; Allows you to access all current items in the toolbar. ----
- (NSArray *)visibleItems; Allows you to access the current visible items (non clipped). ---- ---- **Autosaving The Configuration**

- (void)setAutosavesConfiguration:(BOOL)flag; - (BOOL)autosavesConfiguration; If autosavesConfiguration is YES, the toolbar will automatically write changes the user makes to user defaults.  Customizable toolbars will want to set this flag to YES.  Setting this to NO means changes in configuration are not written automatically, however you can use the configurationDictionary method to do it yourself.  Default is NO. (IMHO, as of 10.1.4, the default is YES.  AndreasMayer) ----
- (void)setConfigurationFromDictionary:(NSDictionary *)configDict; - (NSDictionary *)configurationDictionary; Set and get the current toolbar configuration using a dictionary representation. ---- ---- **Validation of the items**

- (void)validateVisibleItems; Typically you should not invoke this method.  This method is called on window updates with the purpose of validating each of the visible items.  The toolbar will iterate through the list of visible items, sending each a -validate message. ---- ---- **Methods implemented by the delegate**

- (NSToolbarItem *)toolbar: (NSToolbar *)toolbar itemForItemIdentifier:(NSString *)
     itemIdentifier willBeInsertedIntoToolbar:(BOOL)flag; Required method.  Given an item identifier, this method returns an item.  Note that, it is expected that each toolbar receives its own distinct copies.   If the item has a custom view, that view should be in place when the item is returned.  Finally, do not assume the returned item is going to be added as an active item in the toolbar.  In fact, the toolbar may ask for items here in order to construct the customization palette (it makes copies of the returned items).  if willBeInsertedIntoToolbar is YES, the returned item will be inserted, and you can expect toolbarWillAddItem: is about to be posted. ----   
- (NSArray *)toolbarDefaultItemIdentifiers:(NSToolbar*)toolbar; Required method.  Returns the ordered list of items to be shown in the toolbar by default.   If during initialization, no overriding values are found in the user defaults, or if the user chooses to revert to the default items this set will be used. ----
- (NSArray *)toolbarAllowedItemIdentifiers:(NSToolbar*)toolbar; Required method.  Returns the list of all allowed items by identifier.  By default, the toolbar does not assume any items are allowed, even the separator.  So, every allowed item must be explicitly listed.  The set of allowed items is used to construct the customization palette.  The order of items does not necessarily guarantee the order of appearance in the palette.  At minimum, you should return the default item list. ---- ---- **Interface for Notifications**

- (void)toolbarWillAddItem: (NSNotification *)notification; Before an new item is added to the toolbar, this notification is posted.  This is the best place to notice a new item is going into the toolbar.  For instance, if you need to cache a reference to the toolbar item or need to set up some initial state, this is the best place to do it.   The notification object is the toolbar to which the item is being added.  The item being added is found by referencing the @"item" key in the userInfo. ----
- (void)toolbarDidRemoveItem: (NSNotification *)notification; After an item is removed from a toolbar the notification is sent.  This allows the chance to tear down information related to the item that may have been cached.  The notification object is the toolbar to which the item is being added.  The item being added is found by referencing the @"item" key in the userInfo. ---- ---- **Notifications**
NSToolbarWillAddItemNotification; NSToolbarDidRemoveItemNotification;

See also: NSToolbarSampleCode

How do you set an action to a NSToolbarItem? –JoshaChapmanDodson



[[[NSBundle mainBundle] resourcePath] stringByAppendingPathComponent:@”1.jpg”]];

It’s probably better to use [[NSBundle mainBundle] pathForResource:@”1” ofType:@”jpg”] here. Or just [NSImage imageNamed:@”1”]

How do you get a menu into a NSToolbarItem? –JoshaChapmanDodson

make the item a NSView and set the menu for that.

I mean a sub menu of a NSToolbarItem.

“as above again”

I mean like the build toolbar item in xcode.

I would create NSView toolbar item that includes an NSImageView subclass. This subclass could listen to the mouse-down events and perform an action for a single click, and bring up a context menu if the mouse is held down. – RyanBates

How do you have an action that selects a NSToolbarItem, like in a preference window. —- See the 10.3 documentation for NSToolbar:

and the delegate method

– AndreasMayer

I know how to do that! I was just wondering how I did that, for example “I have a NSToolbar, with to items, say @”Item1”, and @”Item2” in the main NSWindow, I want to have a menu item that I want to switch the Shaded area from @”Item1” to @”Item2”.


See above. And learn what a homonym is.

Just a note: You don’t have to make your toolbar configurable. I’ve seen plenty of toolbars with 2 or 3 items, all of which are essential to functionality of the application (or the toolbar, at least). So why allow the user to remove them?

Tiger changes some stuff with toolbars. NSToolbarItems will now send a NilTargetedAction to the FirstResponder in their own window instead of the key window (which may be a different window). Also, NSWindow now has methods to show or hide the show or hide toolbar button, namely - (void)setShowsToolbarButton:(BOOL)show and - (BOOL)showsToolbarButton

If you’re in need of knowing when a toolbar’s items have been changed or rearranged, you can subclass NSToolbar and override this method:


Um, should that be overriding setConfigurationDictionary: instead? Or does any change in the toolbar actually call this method? After all, you could just call it from your own code, perhaps even from the delegate. —-

How would one implement an NSToolbarFlexibleSpaceItemIdentifier that is linked to an NSSplitView? Sort of like the one implemented in Apple’s notice that the delete button starts immediately after the edge of the mailboxes list and automatically adjusts itself when the split view is resized.

I would suspect that it is a custom view and placed into the toolbar using setView. All the custom view would have to do is occupy a rect whose width is dependent on the NSSplitView.

Okay … I added my custom view and set it up to the intial size of the left NSSplitView pane. Now, I have a method that gets called during the resizing of the NSSplitView and the goal is to tell this custom view to resize in the toolbar to match the size of the left pane. However, it is not working. Is there a setNeedsDisplay similar function for toolbars that I am missing? I don’t get any errors … the toolbar item just simply refuses to resize. Here is my code as it is being called in my subclassed NSSplitView:

I am using a GenericToolbar. It is not supposed to be customizable, as it only has one item (a view that has multiple controls in it; similar to the the way the first two items in Xcode’s default toolbar config is: a NSPopupButton in an NSToolbarItem). However, that darn show/hide toolbar button on the titlebar still allows customization by switching the Icon Only, Text Only, and Icon/Text by holding down Command and double-clicking the little icon. I don’t like this (it frustrates me) because the item has no text value. How do I disable (or better yet, hide) this little button for all uses except to hide the toolbar (or to hide itself)? - PietroGagliardi

The GenericToolbar’s inspector allows you to disable customization in IB. Also, because GenericToolbar is third-party, questions about it should probably go on the GenericToolbar page (if anywhere; other people might not like me using CocoaDev for answering questions). –JediKnil (the developer)

Thanks, but this is an issue with the fact that there is a toolbar hide/show button on NSWindow’s titlebar. How do I get rid of it, like in Safari?

Never mind. I found what I was looking for.

I had problems with GenericToolbar and had to switch to the native NSToolbar. Everything works fine for now, except that the button won’t show!


#import <Cocoa/Cocoa.h> #import <QuartzCore/QuartzCore.h> #import <QuickTime/QuickTime.h> #import <QTKit/QTKit.h> #import “MovieEditView.h”

@interface MyMovie : NSDocument { NSToolbar *toolbar; IBOutlet NSView *btnView; IBOutlet NSPanel *previewPanel; IBOutlet MovieEditView *qtview; QTMovie *movie; }

@implementation MyMovie



*The [qtview toolbarWindow] variable refers to the window that contains the toolbar.

What am I doing wrong? - PietroGagliardi

qtview toolbarWindow] setShowsToolbarButton:NO];?

That takes off that little grey button that hides and shows the toolbar from the titlebar when you add a toolbar to it - that’s not the problem.

Mm…this is one of the annoying facts about [[NSToolbarItem that is buried in the documentation, and I wouldn’t blame you for not seeing it. Anyway, all view toolbar items must have their min size and max size set, usually to the size of the view. (I’ve never tried not the size of the view). Sorry to hear that GenericToolbar didn’t work for you. –JediKnil

It’s fine. I hope to find GenericToolbar useful in the future.

Anyways, I modified the min and max size code and it works now. Thanks! - PietroGagliardi

PS - When I get enough done, I’ll post a shot of how I’m using the toolbar.

Just sharing a little tidbit I gleaned from using a toolbar: NSToolbar does not add a view to the window’s contentView. Instead, it adds another private view directly in the window and moves the contentView down out of the way. This is good - it means your window layout and view structure don’t need to know about the toolbar being there at all.However, it does bring with it a few kinks, which in hindsight are obvious but may catch out the unwary. First, if you are making any assumptions about the size relationships between your window frame and the contentView frame, chances are a toolbar will bite you. This can happen if you are doing any sort of weird sizing on the window, like implementing a drawer as part of the window itself. In that sort of case, you can ignore the toolbar providing you work off the contentView frame. Also, for window sizing limits, you need to use setContentMaxSize, setContentMinSize, etc instead of the window’s setMaxSize, setMinSize. –GrahamCox

So I guess the basic lesson is “Don’t Assume The Size Of The Titlebar Is Constant, Because Someday You Might Just Want A Toolbar.” :)

In a nutshell. ;-) -GC

I inserted an NSSearchField in my toolbar in IB.

One item of its searchMenuTemplate was bound to the Shared User Defaults Controller and was supposed to reflect the state of a preference.

As the item seemed to have no effect, I searched and discovered that the search field�s searchMenuTemplate is copied.

As a result, any binding set in IB for an item gets lost.

Should this be considered a bug??

Anyway, I wrote this NSMenuItem subclass to workaround this problem. –Flofl.

@interface CopyBindingMenuItem : NSMenuItem {} @end

@implementation CopyBindingMenuItem

-(id)copyWithZone:(NSZone *)zone {

CopyBindingMenuItem * result = [super copyWithZone:zone];

if (result) {

NSDictionary * bindingInfo = [self infoForBinding:@"value"];

[result bind:@"value"
    toObject:[bindingInfo valueForKey:NSObservedObjectKey]
 withKeyPath:[bindingInfo valueForKey:NSObservedKeyPathKey] 
     options:[bindingInfo valueForKey:NSOptionsKey]];

return result; }
